January rotation 1/07/2005


Hi good morning everybody. After my great experience with RS I am wishing train hard today. Today is PH in my rotation and I am going to add IMAX 2. Have a great friday everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Rest day for me, so I did Baptiste's Unlocking and will swim tonight.
Have a great day.:)
good morning:
today's workout was suppose to be step blast...just didn't feel like fumbling and stepping my way around this morning. So, instead, I ran 5miles. I did some hills and some speedwork..so it was a GREAT workout! yeah for me!!

Tomorrow is IMAX 2 and it's saturday, I'll sleep in a little late and be up for a challenge.

Ok, guys, do you all think IMAX or IMAX 2 is harder?????

Take care:)
I jumped on the Cathe January Rotation bandwagon a little late, so I'm all out of order (not that it matters).

Monday was Legs & Glutes, Tuesday was Pyramid Upper Body, Wednesday was Kick, Punch & Crunch, Thursday was Step Blast, and today was Step, Jump & Pump. Tomorrow I will be on track with IMax 2.

Does anyone else find Cathe's January Rotation is causing them extreme hunger? I can't stop eating! Yesterday, I overate at the Chinese buffet for lunch with a friend and then ate a king size Snickers bar two hours later! I need the "Willpower Rotation"!

If only I was as faithful to a healthy diet as I am to my Cathe workouts...

Have a nice day!

I think they are about the same in the toughness factor. IMax 1 is longer and the really tough intervals seem to leave me breathless.

In IMax 2, the intervals (some of them) leave me "legless". I still have enough breath left, but my legs give out with the plyo moves.

It's a toss up and I usually end up modifying a little bit on both.
Hi everyone,

I don't do step much anymore and I received my gliding kit yesterday so I had to do gliding cardio blast this morning and it was fun, then I finished off with gliding leg/bun floorwork. As I was doing the aerobic portion I stepped on my foot wrong and I think twisted the ankle a little because it is a bit sore right not. I am hoping it isn't that bad because I would like to do PlyoX tomorrow, it is hard for me to do either Imax1 or 2. I may surprise myself and do one of them. Sunday is my rest day.

Hope everyone has a great weekend,
Today I did Step Blast but just did not have enough energy to do the challenge. Today was my first step workout in about a month.

Have a great day everyone!
good morning, everyone!

Maria-you are a real trooper...IMax 2 after Power Hour! Have at it!

Gloria-IMax or IMax 2...good question. I haven't done IMax in a long time and I was actually considering doing that one tomorrow instead of 2. We'll see.

Linda-YES...I am very hungry at the end of the day everyday this week. I eat small at night so I don't go overboard.

Rhonda-I hope your foot is okay. Baby it until you are sure.

Dorothy-the Blast...I almost turned it off myself this morning at that point. But I trooped thru it and by the 3rd blast I was spent!

As for me, I did the whole Step Blast today. This one is just so much fun. Tomorrow is IMax 2, but I'm considering doing IMax. If the kids are still asleep after that, I am going to add on an upper body workout. This rotation doesn't have any UB weights until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Have an awesome day!
Good morning! I did Step Blast this morning, followed by Muscle Endurance core work. I was feeling it in my chest this morning, from PUB y-day.

Gloria, IMAX is on the books for, ah, next Tuesday I think. So, if you do it tomorrow, would you do it again on Tuesday, or do IMAX2?


I don't have Step Blast, so I substituted C&W - cardio premix. Ended up only being about 45 minutes, so I might tack on some abs when I get home from work. Don't know if it is this rotation, or because I just started BFL and am still adjusting, but I am hungry all of the time too. For my 2 cents, IMAX2 is more intense.

Have a good one.
Shopgirl :)
Sandra-thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed it. I will stick with IMax 2 for tomorrow then!

Well i'm starting about a week late on this rotation as i was out of town. Today is Legs and Glutes. After a week of no leg work i should be feeling this one tomorrow!!!}(
HI challengers,
Just finished SB.It went well.I like the music in that workout.
My knees were bothering me a little but not as much as they would if I were running.
I think I am going to take a little break from the running.If I take some time off the pain goes away,then I can start running again 3-4 times a week.
Have a good day everyone,
Good morning ladies,

Finally got to do MIC for the first time:p . It was todays rotation. WHEW!!!!! I was only able to do 25 mins of it b/c my ankles starting achingx( . Then I did 20 mins of the Step portion, following that was 3 sets 15 reps of sissy squats.

That was enough for me. Until next time.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Good Morning ladies,

Today is a rest day for me. This weekend and for the next 5 Saturdays I will be a pace leader for Nike. I will be pacing the 10 min. per mile runners in a 3 mile run and Sunday I will be doing my 16 mile run. Have a nice weekend all.

I had such high hopes for my PUB and some stepping yesterday, but it all fell to pieces and I didn't work out at all:eek: ;(

BUT....I hadn't had a day of rest since December 26th, and I didn't even realize that until I just looked back over my workout calendar, so I needed it more than I knew! Tonight I am going to do my PUB and then I'll throw on Step Blast and still be caught up!

Tomorrow will be my first time trying IMAX 2, it looks fun.

Have a great day everyone:)
Sandra: thanks for the info on IMAX1 next week..that solves that...I'll be doing IMAX2 tomorrow morning!!

Today: for extra cardio, I'm going to the gym and take a circuit weighttraining class and go light on the weights!!

I AM SOOOOO SORE !! from legs and glutes and pyramids...OUCH!!

this is good for me..

NOPE>..don't feel any hungrier than usual!! lol

take care:)
Today was SB. I was fumbling a bit on that third combo and I seemed to always be running behind on those triples around the step! I am glad that no one sees me workout, it gets entertaing at times.
I did keep on pushing myself and I was able to get through all the blasts!! This weekend I am watching some children of a friend and so there will be 5 children in the house--and it is raining so no play time outside!! Wish me sanity!
Hi all!

Today I did PUB and ran three miles on my treadmill. I looove the Pyramid's! This morning I did the bicep section first. Don't ask me why....I just did :+ I kind of hoped that if I did it first my arms would not be trembling as much on the heaviest set.....but they still were ;( Oh well! It was fun to mix 'em up a little.

Guess tomorrow or Sunday will be IMax 2!

So far, the January Rotation hasn't made me hungrier....(yet!) I really do get hungrier with the Intensity Series rotation, or PS or S&H, though! But this one may end up making me that way, too.


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