January 10 Check in Tuesday 5th*****


Good morning ladies...

Today I am going to do Pyramid Upper Body for my workout. I like the pyramids and haven't done them in a while with doing STS and all...I may add some abs to it if time permits..I also need to run some errands today like grocery shopping..

Talk to you later..
Hey Kathy
Hey Everyone!!

I think I may take a little break from Shock Cardio today. Since I'm starting a rotation with them next week, I don't want to get sick of them THIS week. I'm always going to keep the option open to use other cardio too. I can see myself getting bored with the same stuff, ya know?

So, today I'm feeling Turbo Jam-ish, just got to pick one out! It's funny the power of those infomercials too. I was watching one on Turbo Jam this weekend, and it made me want to do them. Showing all those tight flat abs!!!

Kathy: PUB should be a good change up! Have fun!

Hottie: LOVED the Evee video, she is too cute!!... It's very hard to keep my mouth shut when people talk nonsense at work. The funny thing is, all of us nurses get to sound off to each other about it, and then we can behave ourselves with the patients. I truly respect people's decisions, as long as they know the consequences. I had this other patient that was quite obese (she was in with a leg infection). I asked her if she always got so short of breath (she was huffing and puffing, and I was concerned maybe she threw a clot to her lungs), and she said, "Oh yeah, It's because I'm FAT" (in a serious matter of fact tone). I asked her if the pain in her hips was due to arthritis, and she said, "No, it's because I'm FAT". ooookay. And the weird thing was, every time I went in her room , the commercials for The Biggest Loser were on! :eek: At one point, the commercial was on, and there she was with a box filled with Dunkin Donuts , chips and some kind of danish/ Devil Dog thingie. It was VERY hard to keep my mouth shut!

It's so quiet, the boys are off to school. Greg took down the boxes from the attic, so I can start to put the Christmas stuff away today. And I have to go to the grocery store (of course). ....

Good morning! Kathy, enjoy PUB -- I love the pyramids! Funny about the power of the informercial, Chris. Hope you enjoyed shaking it! I know what you mean about not wanting to get sick of the new stuff -- I sort of want to stretch out the newness, so I did Ellen's barefoot cardio this morning -- that's a decent workout there. Not intense at all, but good steady state I'd say. Funny the comment yesterday about Step Moves sounding like an old one.... I did a bit of a double-take when Kathy first mentioned it and had to think if it was one of the really old ones.

Does everyone have a rotation figured out then? Sort of? I think I have an idea.... I think I may try to shorten up the two upper body workouts in meso 2 (cut out some sets) and combine it into one long workout on Saturdays, and that way I can work in some other total body in there. I'm going to give it a shot starting with STS legs on Friday. It may be crazy, we'll see.

Crazy about that patient, Chris. It's hard being around my family sometimes because a lot of them are seriously overweight and you spend a little time with them and it's pretty obvious why that is, but it's impossible to change them.

Have to vent about basketball a little.... the 6th grade boys team seemed short of players, so they invited the 5th grade boys to join. Well, now they have too many players, so they are cutting, and they're cutting only 5th graders, which makes sense. But, here's the part that bugs me.... some of the 5th grade boys who are trying out are already playing on another non-school team. It seems to me that for a more well-rounded 6th grade team next year, they ought to cut those boys to give more fifth graders a chance to be on some team this year, you know? I'm not sure if Travis will make the cut or not.... I think he's got a pretty good shot at it. It's amazing how good some of those 5th grade boys are......

Hi Hottie & Joanne...... where was the video of Evee? I missed it. I'll see if I can find it.....
Hey guys, I'm previewing Cardio Blast to get ready to do it in the next 30 minutes. I woke up early again but lounged in bed until the alarm waiting for Joe. Today is my first "real" day at work and I'm both excited and dreading it. Yesterday was a really nice way to end our break...but I have to kick my body into gear. I don't want a tired workout like last night. Will write more later!
Hi everyone!! Had a fun workout today - TurboKick! I am doing Jillian's rotation, but I don't have her Kickbox DVD yet - so I subbed. I'm feeling sore pretty much everywhere from yesterday's No More Trouble Zones.

Hottie, oh, I want to see the Evee video? Where is it? On Facebook? I did finally get a Facebook page - mostly to keep an eye on Jameson and Ian's pages. ;) Are you doing Core Cardio Blast. That's a tough one!!

Chris, those informercials are evil, aren't they? Make you want everything! Although, fortunately, (or unfortunately!) I have most of the fitness products already. ;) Haven't succumbed to the Snuggly blanket thing. :) Have fun with Turbo Jam! Yikes on that patient! With the donuts and all.

Beth, sounds like a good idea to shorten the STS upper body workouts. I would love it if the upper body was just one day. The basketball situation is hard - I hope Travis makes it. It's not good to get the kids' hopes up and then tell them they aren't on the team afterall.

Hi Kathy! Have fun with PUB. Will you do PLB tomorrow?

Ugh - the pipe situation is not good. DH tried to do a quick fix by patching it - not working. So, today he called me and said he just took out the wall in the laundry room to get at the entire pipe and he's going to replace the whole thing. He thought he might have to take out a kitchen wall behind the cabinets to fix it, but thankfully, so far, that's not the case. So our laundry room is a mess - good thing it has a door that I can close. ;)

And, I'm not getting any good mom points. Jameson's said his thumb felt better yesterday morning so I didn't take him to the doctor. I didn't want to take him out of school if was just a sprain. Well, it start hurting a lot more last night (after playing video games! :() and he told DH this morning he wanted to go to the doctor. So, he's taking him this morning (in between tearing out walls and replacing pipes). I hope it's nothing more than a bad sprain and waiting hasn't made it worse. I should have just taken him yesterday.

Have a good day all...

Argh, another crappy workout. Just so freaking fatigued and my HR just wouldn't stay up...it's not a good feeling to push it up with plyo moves and then it drop like a rock (and I'm really not kidding, like to below 100). I HATE how I feel when this happens. I was thinking it might be the sleep or the not huge breakfast (but still a good breakfast) but then I realized...oh, I'm PMSing. TOM is tomorrow (or today). It makes sense...I feel like I'm totally bloated and the way I feel this crappy from exercise...it's hormones. I did Circuit Blast (sorry not Cardio Blast)...I couldn't really do it because of my body issues but I went through the whole thing in sort of a half-assed way. It looks like it could be a lot of fun. I actually want Joe to try it...he'll bitch and moan about how hard it is but he can't get on my case because there is no step choreography. I really want to try it again but I may only do new Shock Cardio stuff until my hormones get readjusted and stick to workouts that at least mentally I think I can handle.

Kathy -- hope you enjoyed PUB!

Chris -- the Evee video (on FB) I liked a lot. We had worked her a little bit before any dogs had come...actually we went to that dog park which isn't as nice as one that's further away and were so disappointed that no dogs were there but we played Evee tag where we get Evee to tag one of us (while we're running/jogging) and then run to the other on the opposite side of the enclosed area. Luna came and she was just the perfect size for Evee's energy. Evee is still a bit more aggressive than we'd like (though now she's learned if she wants to play more with the dog after pinning them down, she has to let them go), but Luna and her were doing great. It's really, really nice to see her socializing better since we had not been taking her to the park as much after the patella luxation diagnosis. Though my all time fav video of Evee is the peanut butter sundae licking.

Being around people who don't take care of their health is weird to me sometimes...my mother's side are all diabetic but they don't curtail their sugar intake. My sister and I grew up so upset that we just basically harassed our mother saying that if she cares about us, she would take care of herself, and anything else is just selfishness. It's a hard line (but it works with her!). And then I work in a lab with so many pretty people (it's a little disproportionate actually), and none of them know what its like to be overweight and they would freaking TAUNT me when I was trying to diet or exercise (I had to stop going to lunch with them). But none of them work out regularly and they would mock my time at the gym because they didn't "waste" their time on that stuff. And then we have Joe's friends -- one who got Lap Band recently -- very obese who get mad at me because I made exercise a part of my life. I mean, I say this as someone who ate ice cream all Saturday with Joe on the couch, but sometimes I get upset with the people around me because I feel like they want to drag me down to their listlessness. all I can say that I'm glad the fitness bug bit me even if I still don't look like it has!

Oh, and you inspired me to take down all the Xmas decorations. Everything put the lights have been put away and I cleaned up all that tree crap that fell all over the place. I love my stick vac...

Beth -- I so don't have a rotation in mind. So, because Joe couldn't remember to put Pasadena instead of Los Angeles in the City field of an order, I didn't get a bday present until yesterday. He gave me Hardcore Extreme and after such a hard time with Athletic step, I was sitting there going, I'm so freaking insane to think I can do this sh**! So, I think the next month is going to do at least 3 circuit workouts a week and 3 cardio workouts but trying to learn a lot of new stuff as well. That's lame about the bb. I understand the whole competitive thing but is it really necessary that young? That's cool that Travis is good at bb already! My sister was told by Bella's couch that apparently my niece is really fast at running and that she should encourage that skill. We both were blown away since neither of us showed any athletic ability at that age. So track and field for her! (on top of the other 7 activities she has a week!)

Joanne -- find me on facebook! :) I have tons of vulgar things I say on it. Mostly depressing rants about how science hates me. But tons of pictures of Evee. I also am posting pictures of my wood restoration project now. I had these original cabinetry from my house with I think 4-5 layers of (crappy) paint on it? We stripped it, sanded, conditioned, stained, and topcoated some drawers over the weekend. They didn't come out perfectly but we're still trying to figure out some of this as we go. I'm sorry about the pipe but that's cool that your husband has no problem cutting out a wall to fix it. That's so much more like me than Joe! He's more like to pay a plumber $1k for it. (well, maybe not now but before for sure...) Don't feel bad at all about the thumb -- it'll teach him to ask for the doctor earlier (or not play video games when it hurts!).

I swear i'm going to kill people in my lab. I feel like their thoughtless in the last two weeks have sky rocketed and has literally prevented me from progressing. I had forgotten about samples in a refrigerated centrifuge (it happens, everyone does it) and instead of MOVING it to the same temperature where it could be salvaged, they just took it out, put it next to the machine at room temperature. Two days worth of work GONE. No note or anything. GONE. And now I find out this reagent I was waiting for thinking it didn't get to the school before it closed for the holiday HAD come in and that no one bothered to tell me about it (the person who receives or packages said he didn't realize it was mine so he just LEFT it on a bench -- he's supposed to check who ordered it and let them know where its stored). AND it looks like it may be bad but it could have been from improper storing! I'm already having stress issues but this stuff just makes my forehead vein pop!

Man, I need a good workout!
Hey again!

I did do a Turbo Jam, Kickin Core. This is a cool workout, FUN music, and turbo jam stuff with capierra (sp?) and then some ball ab work at the end. I just love the cardio part though! And the capierra move where you "grab your opponent by the shoulders and throw him down". Yes, I enjoyed that!! I think that's why I liked the SC: Boxing so much. I like PUNCHING out my stress :eek:

I went grocery shopping and took 1/2 of the Christmas stuff down (Hottie, you did way better than me!) . And then I followed through with one of my new year goals. I meditated! I had subscribed to a meditation podcast from iTunes (it's free) and never used them. It was pretty cool! have any of you guys meditated before though? there was this wonderful white noise in the background. sooo soothing. And I'd find myself falling asleep and then BAM! The guy's voice would kick in and jar me awake! Is that "normal"?

Beth: Did you buy that barefoot workout or is it Netflix? I read about that on OD sometime recently. It sounded pretty cool! Low impact, right? Nice to add in variety. I need it! ... That would be cool to shorten up the STS upper body workouts to one day. I wanted to do 2 strength workouts a week (upper and lower body) and then a circuit , like you said, but couldn't figure anything out with heavy weights. But I also need to free up my Saturdays to use for shortened cardios only because of all I have to do that day! ...That's annoying about Travis' school BB team. Doesn't make sense. I hope he makes it!

Joanne: Hope your DH can fix your pipe problem!!! I know Greg is pretty "handy" too. The stuff he fixes is great and saves us a bunch of money. Sadly enough, our dishwasher is kaputz and he can't fix it. *sigh* I hate spending big money on "stupid" large appliances. .... Oh! Do "befriend" me on Facebook! I'm "Christine Skowera Smith"! Find me!.... I love the informercials where I already HAVE the product though! ;)..... I hope Jameson's thumb turns out to be ok and don't feel bad. A mother's intuition is usually right, I bet you were right to begin with. .... YAY ! for Turbo kick! I thought about doing one, I probably will this week sometime, since I'm doing all cardio this week. Is No Trouble Zones a weight workout?

Hottie: Oh crap! Sorry you had a shitty workout , I hope it doesn't turn you off from that workout. Cardio Core Circuit is one of the toughest ones, I think. (though I haven't done 40/20 or Pyramid yet). .... Evee seemed very well behaved in the video! And the dog she was playing with very well matched for her. ... Most of the people in my life admire me for my workouts and for my healthier choices for eating (when I do make them). Although some do roll their eyes at me too! .... You have way too much crap at work to deal with there! OMG, I'd be so pissed someone screwed up my work like that!!

The boys are home and strarting to make me crazy(er). It's funny, because that's what I meditated about. You were supposed to picture yourself in a situation that you were TOTALLY content and relaxed in, and then in a situation or with someone that stresses you out (the kids fighting!) and join them together. Knowing my luck, the stress from the fighting will cross over into my CONTENT situation instead of the other way around! LOL!


Joanne, those home problems sometimes escalate into giant huge messes, don't they? Ug! Good luck!

I'll let you know how the combined upper body works.... it does sometimes bug me to do a three day split.

The ironic thing on the basketball is that Travis didn't even really want to be on the team all that much, but now that he's been going to practices for a while, I think he started liking it. Because of the time commitment involved, I'm sort of ok with it either way -- I know he will play next year. I think it'd be good if he got a year on a team under his belt. He's played on teams a couple of times, but once when he was really young, and the other time I think he was in second grade.

Hottie, I think your heart rate changes were messages that you shouldn't be working out so hard! Really! That does not sound so good.

Sorry about the dishwasher, Chris -- those sorts of expenses always come up out of nowhere and are such a bummer! The BC is not on netflix -- none of her studio workouts are. I think I got this in Mary's sale... can't remember. It is definitely low impact. I think depending on how you're built, not only do you not need shoes, you don't need a bra. ;) Maybe her next video should be called "Braless Cardio". :D

I have meditated before. Did it sort of feel like you were asleep but weren't really? That's kind of what it's like. I cannot imagine trying to imagine marrying my boys fighting with a peaceful, calm situation. The fighting started this morning (they were really good over break -- got along really well). I actually stopped the car and made them get out and walk on our road they were driving me so nuts. (not the first time that's happened, but the first time in a long time and I think Dylan was shocked).

Ok, back to work....
Chris, don't the TJ's always make you feel good?? The punching and kicking get out your frustrations, too! I loved that about MMA Boxing. OMG - I'm so excited - I got an email saying the newest TurboKick fan workout was shipped. I signed up for the automatic shipments, I guess they do one every two months or so. Well, DH called around 12:30 and said they were waiting to get an xray after going to the doctor. Haven't heard from him since. I'm going to call in a few minutes. They did put a brace on it just in case it is broken. I've never mediated - but I would probably fall asleep too. Oh, you reminded me of the brawl Jameson and Ian had last night. Actually it really scared me. They are getting so big and strong now - they were fighting about something and Ian threw some small plastic toy at Jameson, hit him in the eye and Jameson ran after him, tackled him and they were rolling around on the floor. I was seriously worried someone was going to get really hurt. Didn't last too long. I sent them both to their rooms for the night. No More Trouble Zones is a weight workout with some floor work and core work, too. It's circuits with mostly light weights. LOVE the penquins!! I'll look you up on FB tonight.

Sometimes it's good that DH is handy - sometimes not. It's not when he thinks he is more handy in certain situations that he actually is, if that makes sense. Sometimes it would be much quicker and painless to just call someone - it's fixed in a day. Our heating situation last year for example - DH spent months trying to fix it. I finally told him to call someone or there would be consequences! ;)

Hottie, sorry your workout stunk!! Maybe you need to ease back into it - do some easier workouts for a week or so to get back in the groove? That circuit workout is tough - it's not like it's a walk in the park - so don't feel bad! My mother's side is all diabetic, too. I worry about developing it as I get older - should be more incentive to lose some weight for me! My mom takes pretty good care of herself, but does seem to eat more sweets than she should. Don't worry, not working out and eating bad will catch up with those pretty people at work. :) Then they'll be asking you how you keep in shape! How do I find you on Facebook? You, too, Beth. I really don't write anything on my wall, so my page is pretty boring!! You'd be amazed how competitive kids' sports are at an early age. We've been playing soccer since the kids were little and parents get crazy. Football, too.

Gotta go...


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