January 10 Check in Tuesday 12th*****


Good morning ladies...

Chris I saw yesterday's post. Great rotation....

Today I decided to make gym styles my weight work this week..So, I am going to do chest & triceps today and the legs on Thursday and Saturday the other upper body. I thought I would add some abs to today's workout as well. Maybe one of the ab circuit workouts. I like the medicine ball segment. That may be the one I do..

Ok, time to get the kids up and get some breakfast...
Heya Kathy!

I'm starting to get some pretty good DOMS from yesterdays GS BSB ! Biceps especially! Good pick for weight work this week, Kathy!! I'll be doing Chest & Triceps on Friday...

Today I do believe I will do 40/20. I've not done it before, so I'm a little leary .... I'm not 100% this morning. STill feel pretty wiped out from the weekend. I slept pretty good last night, just not enough. I got up 5 minutes earlier today (thanks to Hottie's idea!), but I ended up doing 5 more minutes of puttering, so it really didn't work out good. I really want that 5 more minutes to relax and not rush.

Oh, I think I will do ab work too! Maybe Med Ball Abs, like you Kathy!

BBL! Time for da bus!
Good morning!! You guys are making me want to do GS! Funny, I was thinking about it even before Chris reminded me that that's what you're doing. But alas, it'll have to wait.... I have Lalo coming up!!! ;)

Boy I am feeling old! Some of the posts around here..... I think I need to get with Kathy and only read our check-in thread! But speaking of old.... how old does one have to get before I realize I just don't need to buy a pregnancy test?! I'm way late, and I don't feel pregnant at all, but yesterday, just in case, I bought a test. It was negative, of course. Since I've had no other menopausal symptoms (that I've noticed), I worry that I could be one of those 48 year olds who didn't realize she was pregnant! Crazy!

...and speaking of crazy.... boy did I have the crazy dreams last night! In one of them, I was meeting Hottie and Joe (Joe had a different last name in the dream) and I realized that Joe and I are somehow related! And, Hottie, the "g" in your name is a hard "g", did you tell us one time? Well, forever before then, I was reading it as a soft g, so in the dream I was all paranoid that I was going to pronounce your name wrong, and I kept waiting for someone else to say it! Crazy, like I said. There was more that I won't go into! (it didn't involve anyone on this forum besides me)

Ok, off to get the day rolling..... oh, sheesh -- my workout! I did hiit pyramid! My first hiit. I liked it, but boy when it was starting out I was already thinking I wouldn't get through all of it. But I did. I loved that it was only 30 minutes so I could tack on a 30 minute stretch -- great!! Have you done that one yet, Chris? I can't remember. That 40/20 is a bit intimidating... did you do it? I think I need a 20/40. :D

have a good one!

Sorry I was out of commission yesterday...I had only gotten 3 hrs of sleep (it's so awesome that I get certain menopausal symptons from the age of 13...awesome, really), but I dragged Joe into my lack of sleep this time so I had a companion. I don't know if it's a hot flash or a night sweat or whatever but I was burning up and I was sweating like crazy. Why can't that count as a calorie burn? Anyway, I had a massive headache all day and then it got worse as I tried to fix my new OS partition (by accidentally downloading viruses reminding me why again I don't download stuff willy nilly) and then having to call the IT department about letting my MAC address through so I could at least TEST if I had removed most everything plus doing...uh, experiments. My friend on the floor looked at me like, "You're working? Like that? Go home!" I guess I looked miserable. So, no workout. But I came home and Joe took care of me and I went to sleep with the help of ambien and got like an honest 8 hrs of sleep. Joe says I'm a different person. I haven't decided where and when I'm going to do my workout. Should I stay home, do cathe, and go into work slightly late or should I go in in a bit, set up early for some experiments and go into the school gym. I think I'll make the decision in the next ten....

Kathy -- I love GS. Did I ever tell you guys that Cathe (with Joe) said that the GS style is her favorite style to lift? Joe was squealing after we left. :)

Chris -- 40/20! Yeah, I need 20/40 I think. My -5minute idea came from not being able to do cold turkey from Beth but I think it's ok to putter a bit in the beginning as your body is used to getting up earlier. That said, I can't commit to it when I have nights like Sunday night where I couldn't sleep at all.

Beth -- yep, it's a hard G. Some people will pronounce it like "gee wiz" when it's more again to a g rhyming with bee or tea. It always make me laugh because my parents spelled it phonetically! One time I remember someone got it right on the first try and I just shocked to the point that the person "corrected" themselves to the soft g! That would be funny if you are Joe were related...though we'd then have a bigger excuse to come visit you! If it matters, btw, I don't think THE Cathe remembers how to say my name correctly so we'll see...but she does seem to remember me and Joe!

I hope today goes well! If I have a semi-productive week I think I need to talk to my boss about taking a real mini vacation. Watching everyone come back so relaxed while I still look like I'm about to kill people is making me really wish I took the break off. Now, off to find my DH!
Hey! I made it! Phsewww!

I did do 40/20, holy #&@% it was TOUGH! Thank GOD it ended when it did. I hit "spit" status (feeling like I wanted to spit) many times! The best part , again, was that it was shorter. I did modify some moves (screw those butt kicks over the step, HATE those!), lowered the step on the wide jumps up too. But i figured as long as my HR was getting in the upper 160's, I was doing good. The other move that I can NOT do is jumping the length of the step, sideways, jump around, and tuck jump. I can't jump that far! And I do more of a "leap". :p

Tacked on Med Ball Abs... love that ab work! and then the 40/20 stretch.

Beth: LOL @ 20/40! I like that idea!! That's weird about your missed period and possible pregnancy :eek:. How crazy would THAT be!?!?! Did your mom have bad menopause or earlier menopause? My mom remembers only hot flashes, but my sister has had HORRIBLE symptoms, HOT HOT on fire flashes, with rash and hives. They put her on hormones. I dread having that. But maybe things will be different because of my fitness? Ya think? And maybe since I'm on BCP's too. ... The weird dream seems that it could be related to the hormones too, Beth? That *is* weird! LOL!. ... I haven't done Pyramid HiiT yet, no. Thats the only one I haven't done. It is do-able with the 30 minutes. And I also liked the fact that I fit in abs, and it was over in 43 minutes!!

Hottie: You have a very pretty name! Especially pronounced with a hard "g". ... Yeah, you really do have sleep issues! Glad you got a good nights sleep. how's the cough this week? Is it getting better? You do need a mini-vacation!! Hope you get in a good workout today, you deserve it! .... The GS series is definitely challenging. I think using weights and then adding on that extra "burn" with the band, or ball. I like that I'm revisiting it!

My stomach is suddenly grumbling!
Hi ladies!! Missed ya all....I'm fine...just busy.

Beth, hilarious about the dream!! Oh, I've been there...with the pregnancy test - just a few months ago. I'm 47 and worry that I will be one of the "those" women, too. ;) My mom was born when her mom was about 46, I think. I don't have any menopause symptoms and everything seems normal still, but how do you know when you don't have to worry anymore?? I guess that a question for my doctor!

Chris, love your recap of 40/20! I haven't done any of the HiiTs yes, I may try one tomorrow.

Hottie, sleep is the wonder drug, isn't it?? Glad you are feeling better. Yes, definitely take that mini-vacation if you can get it!

Well, I ditched Jillian! ;) Are you surprised? Actually I enjoyed her workouts last week, but Saturday I did one of the new ones I got - Maximize front side or something like that. Eh - a total waste of time! I just couldn't bring myself to do another one after that!! Decided to move on this week, even though I do like her other newer ones. I came up a rotation I think I can stick with. I'm going to do cardio and one or two upper body groups a day (that'll be either 3 or 4 days of the week), one lower body workoutone total body or circuit a week, and maybe one other day just cardio. Today I did Step Moves (loved it!) and CTX chest and triceps. All together it was a little over an hour. I don't like splits normally, but I think this will work for me since I can pick my cardio every day so it's more flexible and I'm only spending 10-20 minutes on weights. So, this week I'll do all the CTX weights and next week maybe GS. Tomorrow I think I'll try 30/30 HiiT and do Back and Biceps from CTX.

I'm quite annoyed with Ian. He put something stupid on Facebook. I saw it and asked him why he put it there and he denied he wrote it!! Someone would have to know his login and password to write something as his status. I told him not to lie to me - I can handle anything but lying. I have to know that I can trust him. He still wouldn't admit he wrote it!! He did delete it, but it wasn't even what he wrote that bothered me so much - I was going to talk to him about it and remind him that everyone (including parents of his friends that "friended" him for some strange reason) will see that and it affects the way people think about you...be careful what you write....I'm more mad that he's lying and won't admit he wrote it!! Ugh!! I'm still thinking about how to handle it.

Another kid thing....funny this time! ;) Caitlyn told me over the weekend that she wished she was lazy. I was like, why? She said lazy people don't have so much energy and they get to lay on the couch and just watch TV. She said she has too much energy! I guess that's a good thing, right?! I'm not sure who she's modeling this lazy person after, but it's not me!! ;)

Off to get some work done....have a good day all!

Hottie, whoa, you poor thing! I almost didn't want to write about my lateness because I know some of what you go through and figured you'd hate hearing it! I'm glad you got a good night sleep -- you do sound perky this morning! Good luck with the computer/software woes....

Re: menopause.... Joanne, I think you have to go a full year without a period to be considered "done", so it could be a while!! Chris, you know it's funny.... I've never dared to ask my mom about it but coincidentally, I did work up the nerve this last time at home and all she said, really quickly, was "I had a really easy time of it, luckily." That's it! No age given, nada. Of course, we were all flying around the kitchen trying to get dinner on the table, but still....

Joanne, that was so cute what Caitlyn said -- so funny! Oh, and I'm not surprised you ditched Jillian, but you'll probably go back to her better ones here and there. Your plan sounds like a good one -- fun, and hitting all things.

Hey Chris, what was your buttkick mod? I hate them, too! In fact, part of why I did the pyramid one was because it didn't use a step at all. I wish she had done two without the step instead of two with the step.
::sigh:: I hate science. It's been acting up on me...something that gave something interesting for months, I'm getting a complete reversal. ::sigh:: Seriously, what is the point of working so hard when it's like this...But trying to keep upbeat...sorta wish I could go home to do a Cathe workout to cheer me up! The gym just doesn't seem as exciting. But i've been futzing for a while...I have two other things to do today...but it would have been more exciting to see this thing work. It's part of the reason why I can't seem to move forward. Oh, it's a frustrating thing to be a grad student.

Chris -- I blame my mother entirely on my sleep issues (this is where my sister would say, that's all you blame her for?) She used to be really critical of us sleeping too much, where too much was anything more than 4-5 hrs because that's all she slept. So for years, I operated on that little sleep (my sister on the other hand had none of that). And what's annoying is that she'll still talk about how she sleeps so little but then talk about how exhausted she is and how she needs to take naps in the middle of the day! I was like, you never told me you took naps in the day! I wish I could sleep normally...but ambien sometimes help. sometimes, nada. But sometimes really can help.

Joanne -- tell Caitlyn I wish i could be lazy too...but there's just too much to do and you have to pick up the slack for all the lazy people (cough, Joe). Step Moves rocks. This sounds bad...but...when things were getting really bad between me and Joe a couple months ago I actually grounded him from facebook. he still hasn't gone on even though I said he could at this point but he realizes for him it's sorta a place where he does evil. Maybe he was logged in somewhere and he forgot to log out and someone wrote it. People did that all the time in HS when AIM was the thing -- someone would leave their account logged in and then others would do cruel cruel things...just to give him a semblance of a defense ;)

Beth -- that perkiness died with the experiment. Now, I'm back to my lovable grumpy self. Maybe a walk will cheer me up...it's gorgeous outside...
Hey again...

40/20 REALLY perked me up. And then I went and did groceries, came home, puttered, and was being a GOOD girl, and did my meditation. The freakin meditation made me feel "blah" again. Tired, head heavy. Dangnabit! I ended up laying on the couch and caught up on Desperate Housewives, but I still feel crappy. Oh well, What can ya do?

Joanne: Funny how you ditched Jillian. I think you can only take so much of her workouts, really. I mean I think they're good to throw into to shake things up, but not continuously. I like your plan for a rotation, and it gives you freedom to pick different workouts. if you do a HiiT, cathe says 30/30 is the "easiest". Maybe start there? I also read today somewhere , where Cathe almost lost her lunch doing 40/20... :eek::eek::eek: Yikes! I feel like I really accomplished something today since I didn't , and just wanted to spit! ... Sorry Ian is giving you trouble. It's amazing how kids can lie, but WE know whats going on. A friend of mine at work has a 16 yr old daughter who stole $300 from her (mentally challenged) brother, to buy her boyfriend an expensive christmas gift. And she bold faced LIED about it over and over. Just crazy! .... Caitlyn is very cute and wise! I've actually felt that way about myself too, at work. There are PCT's (nurse's aides) who rather play on their iPhones and the internet at work, and not care that patients are calling for help. They really have NO conscience about it either. And I secretly wished I could have be that way, because I can't do it. So I get your daughter, I really do!

I don't get that about your (our) moms and talking about their menopause. I get very little from my mom too, like she doesn't remember. It seems like it would be tramatic enough to remember. BUT, on the other hand, I really don't remember at what age I started menstrating. And you'd think THAT would be a memorable event! .... My modified butt kicks are off the end of the step. I hold onto the step, and just hop side to side with both legs. NO butts are kicked in my version :p

Hottie: That project you're working on sounds VERY annoying! Yes a Cathe workout would cheer you up. Or some good music and some cardio? What do you do for cardio at the gym? .... I think as a parent it's hard to watch your kids sleep so long, when you can't! LOL!.. but I've never NOT let my kids sleep. In fact, I encourage it! More peace and quiet for mwah! ;)

Thinking about supper, what to make, what to make...
Hottie, bummer about the experiment!! :( I hope a nice walk outside did you some good (that's what I would have picked). It's raining here -- I guess we have a big storm coming, too.

Chris, I know... it's funny about that generation, though sometimes she talks about things I would have predicted she wouldn't. But that's why it took a bit to get my courage up to even ask!! It is funny you don't remember how old you were when you got your first period! I can sort of see "forgetting" when menopause hit, since it does seem to be something that drags on forever, so pinpointing it might be sort of hard, but you'd think you'd have some idea....

I didn't see Cathe's comment about 40/20 -- wow! I think I'll wait on that one. 30/30 will be my next hiit, maybe next week.

Since it's raining here (well, sort of -- it rained all night, but I think it's stopped for now), I'm making sausage soup for dinner later..... does that help?
nope...didn't walk. ate a togos salad wrap all by myself. No dinner no. I frontloaded right? Blech, I hope Joe let's us leave early. we're tutoring tonight and I'm so bad at working out in the evening...

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