Jan Rotation Check in 01/11/05


Good Morning Everyone,
I didn't see the thread so I figured I would go ahead.Someone may already be posting one as I type this.
Everything is good here. I didn't do PLB yesterday and now I have to double up today! I don't mind as long as I have the time.I thinking about doing Imax2 instead of Imax.
I have to work on my eating today as well.
I didn't want to hurt my ankle again so I did HIIT on the bike and then finished off with a nice 10 minute stretch. I plan on going home and doing more yoga/stretch. My body is needing it after yesterdays PLB and then I did gliding and sliding. While Mindy was doing the aerobics on got on my slide and did that then switched to the discs when Mindy did. It was a nice workout.

I wish there was an update on the new Hardcore series. I keep checking and there is nothing.

Good morning everyone,

Today was the 1st 5 intervals from Imax, SB challenge & RS Challenge. I also did abs from SJP & Cardio and Weights. I had a good workout today. Let's hope my eating stays just as good!! I hope we get an update too. It's been a little while now. Have a great day!!

Hello :)

5:30 am - IMAX2. Felt great. Not noticing any big changes yet, but I'm hopeful.

Have a good one.
Good morning, all!

This morning was IMax. Tough workout following yesterday's PLB. Last night I plugged in CTX Kickbox. I bought the CTX series last week and haven't had a chance to do any of it yet, so I thought I'd try it out. My legs are fried!

Have an awesome day!

Good morning everyone.

Well, after arguing with myself for at least a half-hour in bed, I got up and did IMAX :) . It's not one of my favorites, but I struggled through all ten intervals. I was still sore from PLB yesterday, but managed just fine.

Tae Kwon Do today at 11.

Have a great day.

-Michelle ;-)
Today was Boot Camp for me. There is always a bit of a dread factor with this one because it is so hard, but I got through it and actually thought I could have given it a little more of my energy.
Tomorrow is MIC--another one I dread!
Hi good morning. Today I finish the second week of the april 2003 rotation. I will do the PLB in the stability ball, 10 minutes of abs hits and the lower body premix of SS. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
Just finished Imax 2 and PLB.I never really struggle with PLB but the next day I am always sore.Go figure!
Did IMAX1 this morning, and managed to do about 4 of the intervals, rest was all modifications! I have trouble jumping (my thighs hurt right away) and this workout just seems to have an endless amount of them it seems.
Happy Tuesday,
Yesterday I did PLB and instead of running like I planned, I did RS. Worked out pretty well for me. Next time I do PLB I know I can up my weight, woo hoo:D

Today I am doing IMAX 2. Feels like the next 2 days will be "light" days because I'm not tacking anything else on.

I read the posts of those who have completed their workouts already and sometimes feel a little envious. I can get up in the morning, but I can't "wake up" enough to be able to do a good w/o. I've tried. It would be great if I could so on those days when I am doing two I could split them up. Oh well. I like my evening workouts too and I'm rambling, so off to work!
>I read the posts of those who have completed their workouts
>already and sometimes feel a little envious. I can get up in
>the morning, but I can't "wake up" enough to be able to do a
>good w/o. I've tried. It would be great if I could so on
>those days when I am doing two I could split them up.

And I'm envious of people who can get in 2 workouts. I'm so pressed I am barely getting a whole Cathe in during the mornings, since afternoons and evenings are totally out for me.

Sigh, guess the grass is always greener on the other side ... ;)

Well, I do not have a husband or children. I wish I did and someday I will, but that is the only reason I have the time. Instead of dating anyone right now, I spend my evenings working out with Cathe!

today was Bootcamp for me. I could have gone a little heavier on the barbell, but I didn't feel like pushing myself because my legs are still sore from the last workouts. (I think PLB, Imax 1 and BC one after another is quite a challenge! Anyone else think it's tough?)

I keep munching on stuff, I got to get my eating under control again... sigh...

Have a great week,

Great job, everybody. I am so glad to see how active we all are! Keep up the good work!

Maria-I absolutely agree. the whole time during IMAX this morning, I kept thinking (rather, dreading) that Boot Camp was yet to come. Can't wait for an upper-body workout ONLY!

About working out...I've got 2 young boys, work FT, and am recently widowed. The ONLY time I have that I can workout, really workout, is EARLY in the morning. I get up at 4:15 and start working out by 4:50am. I've got to be in the shower by 6. Lately, I've been adding on a CTX cardio only at night, so that adds a little bit of time, but not much.

Gayle, I'm so sorry for your loss! I'll send my prayers your way. I read your post and just had to respond because I too am a single mom (except my husband very unexpectedly just left me and our two young daughters, working full time and doing my best to work out full time!;) It can really be a challenge! I also work out in the very early am, sometimes I try to do a little weight work before bed (as that makes less noise at night when the kids wake up easier). I really have to say you deserve all the respect your way for keeping working out in such a demanding situation!I hope you feel very proud of yourself!

All the best your way,

Hey shop girl you r doin' just fine. Don't worry about what any body else does. We are all on our own journey. You are just fine with one work out at a time.

Gayle blessings to your family. I am sorry for the loss of yur DH. Keep up the good attitude....
(((((hugss to both shopgirl and Gayle)))))
previously "Likes2bfit"

Ciao tutti,

Today was PLB. I had forgotten how hard this workout is...Yowzers! I didn't get to finish, as I was running late, so I will catch up this weekend.

Gayle, condolences on your loss and may I say that you are a true inspiration. I am humbled by your determination and grit.

Til tomorrow,


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