Jacobs Cattle/Trout Bean Recipe?


I bought these really snazzy looking beans and now I am in search of any interesting recipes anyone out there may have since the web isn't offering up anything appealing. Thank you.
I tried the Chocolate Calypso Beans (sans Maggie Moos) and they were excellent--I did a vegetarian meal with them. I only get to have Maggie Moos once a year when I see my in laws and so far this year have only had ice cream two or three times....
You owe me no explanation. I'm a Half Gallon Club member...one of those crazy people who eats a well deserved half gallon of ice cream at the midoint of the Appalachian trial. OK...I tried but couldn't quite get there....but I did finish the trail. Regardless, I'm not here to chastise anyone for their food choices! ;)

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