I've got terrible knee pains


Hi, Cathe!

These past two weeks, whenever I've been working out (with your DVDs or otherwise), I've been experiencing some painful discomfort around my kneecaps. They dont seem to bother me at all when I'm not working out, but the types of workouts which bother me are... all of them!

I put in the Butts & Guts DVD the other day and could only last 40 minutes or so (I never made it to the floor work section) before needing to stop all together for the day. Now, I hadnt done that particular workout all the way through in quite some time (usually I do premixes), but as a horseback rider, my legs are quite strong and shouldnt have bothered me as much as they did. I had a jumping lesson the next day and while I managed to ride for a good two hours, I was in pain for most of the lesson. Today I decided to do the Low Impact Circuit from your 4 Day Split series, which I thought wouldnt aggravate my knees, but even that had me in pain. I only made it through the warmup and the first two segments (20-25 minutes) before stopping, which is where I am now.

Unlike most people who have knee problems, I am eighteen years old! And I get plenty of calcium. I drink 2+ 8 oz glasses of skim milk each day, and broccoli and spinach are my favourite vegetables.

It's taking a serious toll on my workout regime, and is very frustrating. Can you give me a clue as to what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you, and thank you for all that you do! You are the best thing that has happened to my physical fitness life. :)
Not Cathe, but from my experience it sounds like maybe you are forming some tendonitis around the knees. It's very easy to do with overuse. I got this from being overzealous in step workouts (couldn't bend my knees to sit!) and unfortunately, according to my doctor, the only way to make it go away is to stop using it. My doc had me icing/heating (whichever provides more relief) and elevating my legs. He also put me on an ibuprofen regimen to relieve the inflammation (which is where the pain comes from). I would make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can so you don't continue to aggravate it any further. Whether or not it is tendonitis it's better to find out sooner so you don't do any permanent damage or end up in so much pain you are totally unable to exercise for a much longer period.

Hope your knees start to feel better!


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