i've got cathe arms....

thanx to all her wonderful upper body workouts.... but can i PLEASE get cathe abs?????

i had to print out that pic... i'm gonna post it in my workout area!

I have more of Cedie's arms}( }(, but if I can get either of their abs that would be awesome:7 :7.

I'm with you on the hanging of the pics--got them on my desk within eye shot. A copy will be placed EVERYWHERE in my home, even inside the refrigerator.

Those abs are to die for!!! Truly an inspiration! Just in time too, because I was about to dive into some Halloween candy. Instead, I think I'll run downstairs and do a couple of sections from Ab Hits.
I want Cathe arms some day too. So, you all inspied me to put down my snack of cheddar cheese pretzel combos and print out a picture too. Maybe that will help me comtrol my cravings for snacks a little better, eh? (Yes, I'm from Minnesota, eh ;) )

Great job!! I don't quite have Cathe's arms but I'm getting close. Which upper body w/o did you focus on to get there? I love to work my upper body!!

I want her butt and hamstrings! we all have cathe envy! she truly is amazing & she's had two kids too! WOW

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