Ivanko barbell


Hi guys! I wanted to purchase a barbell from the firm store but it's "under construction", and I read somewhere that the Ivanko barbell from Paragonsports.com is the same as the firm's. The barbell itself is $24.99, but can I use my standard plates on it? I have a regular metal barbell with what I guess are standard plates, but I really want this black padded one too. I want 2 barbells to keep one loaded heavier for lower body and one loaded slightly lighter for upper body. Any info on this or any other barbells are welcome, and thank you much!

Sara :0)
Hi Sara,
I just bought the Ivanko barbell so I could load it heavy for lower body work and use my 5 ft. barbell for upper body work. The reason I use the Ivanko for lower body is because it's padded and feels better on my back during squats and lunges. The bar doesn't come with collars, so you can order a pair of quick release collars from Ivanko when you order the barbell (but I think they're a bit pricey at Paragon) or buy a set at a local sporting goods store. By the way, because the Ivanko barbell is thicker and padded, I find that I can't get as good a grip on it for biceps curls, deadlifts, upright rows, etc. as I can with my thinner barbell, so I pretty much use the Ivanko exclusively for squats and lunges when the bar is on my back. Hope this helps.
HEY! Yes, that is exactly what I needed to know... and I think I am going to go ahead and purchase the Ivanko. What weight vids do you like the most? I have been firming now for a couple years, and bought Cathe's Power Hour but haven't done it yet. I can devote about 60 mins at a time to weight training, and most firm tapes fit that time frame, but I wanted to give Cathe's weight videos a try. Thanks so very much for your help!
Hi Sara,
First I need to make a correction from my last post. I meant to say you can order the collars from Paragon when you order the barbell, not from Ivanko.

Second, the weight videos I like are MIS, which is 72 minutes and longer than your ideal time frame of 60 minutes, but you can always split it up it you'd like. For me, the time goes so quickly with that tape even though it is long. Also, I did Power Hour for the first time last week. I really liked it but even though I went just as heavy on my legs as I do with MIS Power Hour is an endurance tape (I do go lighter on my upper body work with that tape), so I like to also do MIS for the strength benefits. I like the FIRM's Super Sculpt as well, and Bust & Butt, but the transitions in B&B are too fast for me and I have to turn off the tape while I get my equipment set up. I think you'll like the Ivanko barbell. I'd be curious to know if you're comfortable with the grip for upper body work when you receive it. As I said, I'm more comfortable with my thinner barbell for those exercises.
Hey! I ordered the Ivanko barbell today and can't wait to get it! I also ordered some quik release collars, I think by Bollinger, they were like $11! But will they fit?!? I figured since standard plates fit the Ivanko, these collars would work as well. Thanks for your help!
Hi Sara,
Yes, the collars will fit.

I did MIS today with both barbells. I had the Ivanko set at 35 lbs. and and my 5-ft. barbell set at 29.5 lbs. It worked really well. And I found that I'm getting used to the thicker grip of the Ivanko for the deadlifts and bench presses. That padding is great. I'm sure you'll enjoy your new barbell.
You don't know how much I appreciate your help! I can't wait to get my barbell, and thank goodness the collars will fit. I want to go beyond the Firm, which is what I've been doing for a few years. I want to wait for my new barbell before I try Power Hour so I'll have 2 bars to use. And I'm thinking about getting MIS, I can just wake up earlier on those days to make time for the extra 20 mins (I'm used to 60 min workouts). If you don't mind, what is your workout schedule like? Gimme a typical week if you don't mind sharing. And thanks again for all your help.
:0) Sara
Hi Sara,

It's my pleasure to share with you.

I don't have a set rotation schedule, but I alternate cardio with cardio/strength and just strength 6 days per week, never doing strength two days in a row. So, after I do a workout, I pull out a couple of tapes in the correct category for the next day. And then the next morning, I will select whichever one I'm in the mood for from the couple I had selected. A typical week might be as follows:

M: The FIRM volume 1
T: Cathe Cardio kicks (plus I add a short abs section)
W: The FIRM Super Cardio
Th: The FIRM Cardio Burn or Maximum Cardio
F: Rest
Sa: Cathe Wedding tape, step portion (plus I add abs)
Su: MIS or Power Hour (I like doing MIS on Sunday because I don't have to rush).
So, with this schedule I will have done cardio on 5 days (obviously some days more cardio than others) and strength on 3 days.

By the way, I really love MIS. I did it yesterday and today I've got that good kind of sore in all the right places. That tells me I followed proper form.

I'm sure you will love your new barbell, Sara.
Take care, Rennie
HEY! Well, thanks for sharing! That sounds like an awesome schedule. I don't follow a specific rotation either, just weights 2 x/week and cadio 3x/week, with 1 day of power yoga. I can't wait to get my new equipment! Do you have the Step Co step? I ordered it and can't wait to get it. Gotta replace my reebok step. Well, I think I want to get MIS soon, since I've heard so many good things about it! That and Step max, for my next step video. How many cathe vids do you have, and what firms are your favorite? Thanks for you help, take care!

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