<--- It's the room, the sun and the sky


<--- waves good morning to all
<--- is having trouble posting today
<--- has to go get ready for work but will bbl
<--says hi
<--is NOT in a happy mood today
<--actually feels quite sad
<--is not going to bore with any details
<--hopes Shelley doesn't have any more trouble posting today
<--sincerely hope she enjoyed her birthday
<--waves to Phyllis and hopes she enjoys her HP
<--has to go get showered and all that jazz

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

<--Good morning to Shelley, Phyllis and Maeghan
<--tells Phyllis finished Imax2 this AM too
<--tells Maeghan been feeling quite sad too
<--thought sunshine and blue skies was good for this feeling?
<--tells Shelley <--always has trouble posting x(
<--is wishing <--had a better on-line sense of humor
<--will keep wishing
<--thinks all yous are very funny :7 and witty:D
<--will keep trying
<--is watching the grass grow
<--is not looking forward to mowing
<--pushes a mowerx(
<--is seeing green
<--has to go get DD ready for school
<---waves a groggy good morning
<---could use about three more hours of sleep
<---thinks the only way that is going to happen is if <--- cuts out the evening workouts
<---doesn't think THAT is going to happen!
<---empathizes and sympathizes with Shelley
<---is really sorry Meg is sad today!
<---can't believe that anyone could do Imax 2 this early
<---bows with deep respect to Phyllis and Amy
<---hopes everyone ^^^ and vvv has a good day
<---and reminds everyone that today is Friday Eve!!!
<--waves hello to all.
<--is gulping java.
<--will be off to spin in an hour.
<--is glad it's almost TGIF.
<--wonders what everyone is doing this weekend?
<--will be back!
<---goodmorning sunshines
<---says turn those frowns :( upside down:)
<---is in a particulary good mood today, probably since <--had a great night's sleep and doesn't have to go to work
<---says the scaling of Mt Washmore has commenced, the blueberry pie filling is made and waiting to get crusty, and the bedroom is empty, waiting for carpet
<---has a list of chores a mile long today, but will try to pop in and out to boost your spirits and lighten your load
<---thinks that is a mighty big chore today, but will put on her clown makeup and try
<---slips on really big clown shoes and tosses a bucket full of confetti at youse all
<--- waves a Happy Friday Eve at Shelley, Phyllis, Sparkly, Amy, Cuz, and all who follow
<--- is thrilled to be here before the post count gets too high:7
<--- tells Shelley she has trouble posting everyday
<--- hopes Phyllis enjoys her HP extravaganza
<--- ^5's the early morning IMAX 2ers and is in awe of their dedication
<--- {{{{{Sparkly}}}}}
<--- is praying for Sparkly and really misses her Sparkliness
<--- is sorry Amy is feeling sad, too, and will offer a prayer
<--- would be sad, too, if her morning started off with IMAX 2, but then she hates cardio;) :7
<--- sold her lawnmower at a garage sale and hired a guy
<--- loves having a guy mow her lawn
<--- joins Cuz in groggy mode
<--- couldn't sleep last night either
<--- wonders what w/o Cuz did last night
<--- is trying to FORCE herself to workout in the AM but isn't having much luck
<--- has a bit of a lazy streak and is trying hard to change it
<--- made a list last night of things she wants to accomplish today and by golly, she means to do every single thing on that list!
<--- hopes Wendy enjoys her spin
<--- is off to make breakfast and hopes you all have a fantastic day
<--- edits to detect a ray of sunshine
<--- says that's our Robin:7
<--- is exhausted by Robins early morning accomplishments and wonders how you do that
<--- is an incredibly slow starter;(
<--waves to Shelley
<--hopes Phyllis enjoys Harry Pothead
<--read the first book and enjoyed it but doesn't have conventional reading tastes
<--wants Meg to know <-- is thinking of her and is praying for things to work out in her life
<--is also sad to see Amy sad and sends her a hug
<--is not as disciplined as Shannon and it taking a night off to get some zzzzz
<--did Body Max last night and is very tired and the knees need a complete rest
<--has never tried spinning and wonders if Tig will bring <-- along ;)
<--wishes Michele luck in conquering the list
<--is amused at the thought of Robin, sporting clown shoes as she conquers Mt. Washmore

<--waves to Tammy
<--is jumping up and down over her good news and will keep praying for corner turning progress for her mom
<---waves mornin' glories
<---wishes she could get up earlier each day
<---joins in the coffee slurpin fest
<---waves to Shelley, Phyllis, Doodles, Amy, Shannon, Robin and Michele
<---loves how Robin tackles one room at a time
<---wonders if Michele loves having a guy mow her lawn or watching a guy mow her lawn
<---tells Doodles to hang in there and <--- sends her lots of (((HUGS)))
<---hopes Amy feels better
<---says Mom is finally, *crosses fingers* turning the corner and making strides in the right direction
<---has spent a fortune on hospital parking in the last month
<---hopes everyone ^^^^ and vvvvv have a great day
<---waves back to Beavs
<---thanks Beavs for continued prayers
<---has a date with her treadmill
<---says later taters!
<--Waves to everybody and shouts"ITS ALMOST FRIDAY,HANG IN THERE"
<--has never read the harry potter books,but has seen the first movie!
<--sends Meg and Amy cheering up vibes!
<--has doms today(yeah:))
<--is going to enjoy her Java:9 !
Beavs and whoever follows haves a great day:7!
<---waves good morning to everyone
<---waits patiently for the golden teapot
<---did a 50 minute treadmill run this morning, and ran faster than usual (but still really slow :) )
<---tells Phyllis that <--- is a Harry Potter fiend and has read all the books multiple times and seen all the movies multiple times and even has <---'s very own custom-made solid wood magic wand :D
<---can't WAIT for the Deathly Hallows
<---is also sad to see the series end :(
<---is sending Meg big squeezy ((((hugs)))) and is so sorry to hear she's sad
<---tells her that she can talk to us if she wants to, we won't be bored... we'll listen
<---is sorry to hear Amy is sad too :(
<---wishes <--- could bring happiness to all of you
<---is watching <---'s grass grow too
<---does the lawn mowing as well, but at least <--- gets to use a lawn tractor
<---thanks Shannon for the reminder that today is Friday Eve
<---will be glad when the weekend is here
<---hopes Wendy has fun in spin class
<---is happy to see Robin in good spirits today :)
<---wonders if she's going to share that blueberry pie ;)
<---wonders if the guy who mows Michele's lawn is cute, and if he mows shirtless ;)
<---hopes Michele accomplishes everything on her list and more!
<---is very happy to hear Tammy's mom is making progress in the right direction
<---will continue to send positive vibes
<---tells Beavs that spinning is a LOT of fun and she should definitely try it some time
<---tells Beavs she's welcome to come along with me :)
<---is jealous of Amelia's DOMS ;)
<---better get a little work done this morning
<---will be back later
<--Waves good morning to everyone
<--Says WTG to Phyllis, Imax 2 is one of <--'s favorite workouts (and actually <--'s 1st ever Cathe workout!)
<--waves to Megadoo and commiserates with... <--has been in a crappy mood all week. LONG week! Hope you have a better day
<--waves to Amy and says to enjoy spring time weather which is coming, even though mowing grass is a PITA!
<--says to Shannon that sleep is gooooood! hope you manage a nap later on today!
<--Tells Wendy to enjoy spin class - and tells Wendy that a weekend of workouts and studying await <-- Fun times! Ha!
<--Is glad Robin is in such a great mood and laughs at Mt Washmore! Enjoy the day!
<--tells Michele that working out in the AM is HARD - <--did it yesterday morning and used to do it every morning of the week - and is willing to offer support and motivation if need be in the early waking up task!
<--tells Tammy that <--is glad your mom is doing better. Enjoy the coffee and the day!
<--says good morning to Beavs and tells Beavs that Harry Potter has never, ever interested <-- but kudos to you for reading even one!
<--also has DOMS like Amelia - isn't it a great feeling! WTG!
<--congratulates Emily on any kind of run and tells her that <--runs slowly too. Hope you have a good day and accomplish lots!
<--is hoping that <-- is getting the hang of this post and not making a fool of herself!
<--needs to buy a new dress for graduation just because and asks for shopping suggestions
<--is fighting off losing her voice and doesn't have time for being sick therefore <-- isn't in the best of moods
<--worked out 2 hours total yesterday and feels super buff!
<--has lots of work to do so will post again later! Have a wonderful day to all to follow!

<--assures Tracey she is not making a fool of herself and that that the girls enjoy her company
<--thinks spinning with Evily would be fuuuuuun!
<--waves to Amelia and sends java enjoyment vibes her way
<---wonders why Shelley is crabby today
<---knows it's not PMS
<---wonders if it's because she's out of birthday cake
<---knows that would make <--- crabby :p
<---congratulates Tracy on her 2 hour workout - WOW!
<---hopes she doesn't lose her voice
<---wonders if the graduation she needs a dress for is her own graduation or someone else's
<--- loves Shelley even when she's crabby
<--- says lets see...1st item on list...water African violets...check!
<--- says hey, this is fun
<--- is thrilled to hear Tammy's mom is improving and continues to pray
<--- is always interested in Beavs books
<--- says say that real fast 3 times
<--- Beavs Books Beavs Books Beavs Books
<--- thought ^^^ was fun
<--- says DOMS! ACK!!!
<--- will prvide coaching for spinners
<--- says lawn guy always wears a shirtx(
<--- thinks there may be a nice bod under that shirt
<--- is sorry if she left anyone out ^^^ there
<--- needs to continue with list
<--- realizes she left out Tracy
<--- apologizes profusely and tells her she is no fool
<--- asks you all to say a little prayer for her DH
<--- says his presentation is scheduled for 11ish and she knows he's worried about it
<--- thanks you in advance
<--- is off to tackle the rest of that list
<--- enjoys talking about the list more than actually accomplishing the tasks on the list
<--- edits to wonder where Nance is
<--- is missing Nance and wants to hear all about her reunion with the DT

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