its propebly been asked but i'll ask again


hi everybody
when am i doing the 1RM test, before i start work out which means before warming up?
or during the workout i'll stop the dvd and write down my weight and reps for the exe?
thank you
You should definitely warm-up before doing your 1RM testing.

It's been awhile since I did it, but you might consider mixing it in with a cardio workout, stopping every couple of minutes to do a test. I think I did all the one starred exercises one day, the two stars another, etc. I only tested upper body. HTH. I'm sure if you search, you'll find a lot of 1RM info on how others did their tests.
hi everybody
when am i doing the 1RM test, before i start work out which means before warming up?
or during the workout i'll stop the dvd and write down my weight and reps for the exe?
thank you

Hi Sharona, preferably you should perform all of your 1RM testing before you start any of the STS series. You can use the PDF they provide that ranks the importance of which exercises you need to test for and at least do the 4 and 5 star ranked exercises.

Some people would just add a couple of tests to another workout either at the beginning or the end, and go through the tests slowly, and others, would kind of make the 1RM into their workout for that day, after warming up. I personally liked to do as many as I could in 1 day, and consider it my workout for that day, I think it took a total of 6 or 7 days (over the course of a month or two) to finish them. But, I started them before the pdf came out, and tested many more than I needed to.

I was doing the tests while STS was still on pre-order, so I had plenty of time to get them done.

Hope this helps.

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