
That's all, really:7

What's everyone up to this weekend?

I was planning on getting trashed, but since there was a big nationwide drug bust here yesterday, looks like I'm gonna have to find some other way to entertain myself!;)
Will drink some mixed drinks with hubby,(whiskey & diet,caffeine free coke).... and watch a movie and mess around on the internet. Well that is tonight anyway............ Rhonda:7
Shonie and I are going out, I think...:) Hope Marla can join us. Gotta warn Shonie about that drug bust, Shelley, but knowing her, she probably has some tricks up her sleeve.;-)

Shutting up now.

Oh, she'll be fine, Pinky. There was no crack seized. Just 100 litres of liquid ecstasy, some cocaine, a bunch of MDMA powder....
I will be going to visit a sick relative this evening. Tmrw Joey's grandpa may come to take him to the boardwalk. I may go visit grandma tmrw too and then at night daddy is watching the little guy so that mom can get out for a few hours with her friends. }( Sunday we are going to my SIL's for dinner.

Full weekend and it all came on so fast! Just a few days ago I had NOTHING to do but go visit my mom on friday night and now that has changed to saturday and I have something to do EVERY DAY! :eek:
DH and I have a clambake to go to tonight, Saturday I am driving to New Hampshire to be interviewed on the radio about my webpage/business and Sunday DH and I are looking at houses.

And somewhere in there I plan to relax and read for a bit.


Tomorrow, I will be doing my favorite thing...working in the garden. We have a red sunset maple that we will be planting and I have 50 pink and orange tulip bulbs and 50 daffodils that need to go into the ground. I think I may pick up some more mums, too. I LOVE TO GARDEN! :7 :7 :7

Sunday is always family day, and I think that after church we will cozy in with a movie since it will be almost 90. Phew, that is hot for September. I still think it is better then snow, though.

yeah, Shelley, I know about that bust. I lost millions on that raid. :(

Geez, Missy, you too? I didn't lose any money, but man, I don't know where I'm gonna get my stuff from now on, and it's really gonna boost the price!
Shelley - thanks for the heads up on the drug bust. Guess I'm going to have to keep things on the down low for this weekend. }( Or maybe I should go hang out with Pinky and Shonie.:p
Hey Missy,

When you're finished you can come to my house. I suck at gardening. I kill everything I touch. LOL. What you're doing sounds lovely.

I don't know what DH and I are doing this weekend. We've talked about another bike ride. Hey, can you get a high from Flonase?

I'm playing in a golf tournament. Our bar versus a neighboring one. Each bar gets 8 teams of 4 to play 18 holes. The weather is suppose to be sunny and 87. It's more of a BIG PARTY not a tourney. We have a blast. I'm very excited and can't wait to get out of work today so I can go home and make some snacks to take along to soak up the alcohol. :)

Hey, can you get a high from

I don't know about Flonase, but I used to LOVE the smell of gasoline. I used to sleep with a canister in my room (j/k). i would recommend that, but I feel like now that may be more expensive than coke. I have only been to the gas station once in the past four weeks! ;( Now that would be an expensive habit.

Yeah Laura, come on up here! In lieu of chemicals, we can always have a high doing BC ten times, increasing our weights at each round.}(

Nadine, I tried, but they set the bail way too high. Said something about "high probability of reoffending or flight". I only had $1.50 on me.

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