i love them ALL. i couldn't pick a fave but some that come to mind as fun and good are:
the 30 minute sprints
the 60 minute interval
#5/60 minutes
#9/60 minutes (fast and flat)!
maybe this will help you decide (i only did it for the ones i have):
Set 1 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 1 40 min.-increasing speed and incline concurrently; large incline, speed work, and sprints
Set 2 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 2 40 min.-warm up, hills, sprints, and intervals
Set 3 40 min.-warm up, hills, sprints, and intervals
Set 3 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 4 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 5 40 min.-40 min.-warm up, hills, sprints, and intervals
Set 5 60 min.-indoor marathon training; alternating 6 minutes running w/ speed increases w/ 1 minute recovery; run/walk; run 6.0 on 8% hill w/ recovery walk; run w/ speed increases .1 or .2 every minute; walk up 10% hill; increase to 11%; set of squats on treadmill; short sprint (60s), recovery walk; long sprint (90s), recovery run, recovery walk; long sprint, recovery run, recovery walk; fast sprint, increase speed .5, decrease speed .5, recovery walk; going home-flat and fast.
Outdoors Set 6 60 min.
Set 7 60 min.-run w/ speed increases during warm up; walk up 10% hill; run w/ speed increases; run up 6% hill; run w/ speed increases .1 or .2 every minute; 90 second sprint w/ recovery walk; 60 second sprint w/ recovery run; run up 3% hill; recovery run; 90 second sprint w/ recovery walk; 90 second sprint w/ recovery walk; walk up 10% hill; going home-steady state for 8 minutes w/ optional speed increases; cool down-walk.
Set 7 40 min.-consistent pace increases; steady state with mid-size hills; intervals of speed work.
Set 8 60 min.-steady state with heavy hills; continuous speed increasing slowly; speed intervals; fast recovery with small hills and one large hill at the end.
Set 8 Tread/Ballet 40 min.-10 minute run then 5 minutes of cardio and 5 minutes of deep muscle conditioning alternating; run is flat with few hills.
Set 9 60 min.-sprints and distance. Flat and fast!
Set 9 40 min.-increasing speed and incline concurrently; speed work and sprints.
Outdoors Set 10 60 min.
Set 12 45 min.-quick warm up and 4% hill; steady run then 4% hill; long, fast intervals.
Set 13 30 min.-6 sprints, 6 recoveries.
Set 13 45 min.-warm up; 3% incline; steady run; series of short runs up 6% hill; run up 2% hill; easy run home.
Set 14 45 min.-endurance run with a 6:1 ratio. 6 minutes of running with 1 minute of a challenging recovery.
Set 14 60 min.-mostly flat-phase 1 run and increase incline to 2%; 2 increase speed gradually, mostly steady state; 3 increase speed 5-6% then steady; 4 steady w/ 2-3% hills.
Set 15 60 min.-warm up on a small incline; 2% speed increase; 3 minute sprint, heavy hill (10%), steady pace; sprints on small incline, steady pace, hill climb (5%); running intervals up to 5%; 3 minute sprint; easy pace home.
Set 17 45 min.-warm up; speed increases with steady run up 3% hill; steady flat run; intervals; intervals on 2% hill; sprints on 6% hill; steady, fast run for 5 minutes; 3 60 second sprints to end.
Outdoors Set 17 60 min.
Set 18 40 min.-start with 8-10% hills; flat and steady; 8% hill; steady run with speed increases.
Set 19 30 min.-sprint work.
Set 19 (Tread and Tush) 45 min.-5 minutes cardio, 5 minutes sculpting.
Set 20 30 min.-increase speed .1 every minute w/ walk recovery every 10 min.
Set 20 60 min.-warm up with small incline (2%) with intervals of 2-3% speed increases; base pace with 5, 6, and 8% hill; steady run on the flats with bursts of speed; sprints and interval challenges; going home.
Set 21 35 min.-intervals and sprints; pace goes from high to low; high intensity peaks to low intensity recovery runs.
Set 24 60 min.-interval run; flat and fast; includes 5 sprints; first sprint during phase 1; the rest at the end of phase 2.
Set 27 30 min.-drills
iBiClimb Boot Camp 60 min.-alternates from treadmill (about 20 minutes on the TM and 20 minutes on the elliptical)to elliptical with intervals of body work in between.
iTread Circuit Circus 90 min.-alternates from treadmill to elliptical (more time on treadmill than elliptical) with body work in between intervals.