It was a Cathe Christmas for me, how about you?


Hi everyone: Well, I was pretty excited to get a Cathe tee shirt along with a few additional Cathe workouts that I had been wanting for Xmas. I tried Power Hour yesterday with my new barbell, and thought that it was pretty tough. My husband wrapped the barbell and added a twist to make it look like a giant candy cane. I honestly thought that it was a big plastic candy cane filled with Hershey Kisses or something similar. I never picked it up, obviously, or I probably would have figured it out. Anyway, it was a great holiday all around, even though the house looks like a toy bomb exploded!

Happy New Year to all!


What a sweet husband! Just getting most husbands to buy a gift is difficult enough but to wrap it too!!!! Wow! Enjoy all your toys! Unfortunately, dh couldn't buy me any new Cathe dvds because I already have them!!!!;)
Me, too :D

My dear mom bought me a high step, the cool black/gray original steps, and a troy lite barbell. I was excited. I already knew I was getting them (my mom doesn't have the slightest idea how to use a computer, so I ordered them with her credit card :D)

I haven't used any of the BB series yet, but my last day of work is New Year's eve, and after that, I'm tackling them all!! So it'll be Christmas all over again. The next thing on my list is a new set of dumbells. Can't wait!


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