Isabella is Here!!!


Hello everyone - I'm proud to announce that my little girl made her grand entrance on October 10th, 2:31 am. She weighed 8lb 2oz and was 21 3/4" long at birth - via surprise c-section, no less!!

As some of you know, I was a week late and the last day I posted here I was going the next day to the doctor for an ultrasound and non-stress test. Well, when they did the ultrasound and saw how big the baby was they sent me directly to the hospital so that I could be put on Cervedil (SP?) during the night, and Pitocin in the morning. What an unexpected surprise to be strapped to a fetal monitor and unable to walk & prepare myself like I'd envisioned for months! The best laid plans, huh?

Well, to make a long labor story short - I ended up getting a fever, was put on oxygen (which makes pushing very difficult), we tried to push with no luck and the baby's heart rate was going up -So, they decided to take her C-Section. By that time, I didn't care, I was so tired and ready to have my baby...
By the way, Cathe - They kept trying to make me "Bear down and push, and hold your breath". That didn't work out so well, I kept breathing the only way I knew how!

Happily, she's here now, with a head full of hair and a smile that is so precious. I would definitely do it all over again!!

Just wanted to share the news, I hope everyone is doing well with their pregnancy or recovery -whatever the case may be.

Congratulations and best wishes! These emergency C-Sections are just the pits, so be kind to yourself and get a lot of rest if you can.
Take care,
Liz N
Congratulations on your little daughter! Isabella is such a pretty name.

Take good care of yourself and allow plenty of time for recovery. Enjoy every minute of that wonderful newborn time.

Welcome Isabella!

Tricia - congratulations! I too had a c-section that threw my "plans" out the window...I feel like we're kindred spirits.

I don't know if this is your first, but if so (mine was) remember we're here if you need us! Please keep us posted as to your new family!

RE: Welcome Isabella!

Thanks everybody - We love our little "Bella" (I fell in love with that name almost as fast as I fell in love with my baby girl!), she definitely fits her name! We're both doing great.

It is so nice to come here and get such warmth and support from my fitness family. I can't begin to say how much it helps, knowing I'm not the only one going through the c-section "aftermath", as I've taken to calling it! Thanks to you all for being so great!!!!

By the way, Jeni - Isabella is my first, so we are definitely kindred spirits! I will say, no matter how she got here that I don't regret a thing - she's more than worth it!
Take Care,

Congratulations Tricia and Welcome Isabella,

I love the name and your attitude. The medal is not in how you birthed her. That healthy, precious baby is the medal. Enjoy her. They grow so fast!

Hugs to you and your family,


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness
Hi Tricia! Congratulations. Sorry to hear you had a bit of a tough time but as you said it is worth every minute of it to have a healthy precious one.

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