Is weightlifting safe during pregnancy?


Hello everyone- I am 3 months pregnant and I wanted to know if it is safe to lift weights while you are pregnant? I have the Gym style DVD's which I enjoy and I wanted to know if it is OK to lift the dumbells & the barbells? I never lift as heavy as Cathe -always lighter. If the answer is yes and it is safe toi lift weights while you are pregnant, how heavy is safe?
I would check with your doctor. I did workout during my pregnancy, however, I stopped lifting at six months. I didn't feel very good, but glad to say, I am back with Cathe, and a four month beautiful girl.
My kids are bigger than me now, 15 and 20, but I lifted at the gym using heavy weights for both. However.......your doctor is the first person you should go to with this. Rule of thumb, if your pregnancy is free of problems, you usually can do what you did before, with modifications as you grow. Also other considerations are you will have increased fluids, may feel ill things like that.

With kid number one, I worked out both cardio and weights until 8 months. At that point I had preeclempsia, most likely from work stress and was put on bed rest. With kid number two, I did weight lifting up until a week before I had her. Using the squat rack got me some wierd looks. I stopped when my hips started getting funky feeling....she had dropped.

Believe me, being fit helps with delivery and recovery!

I would check with your doctor. My doctor told me I could do anything I wanted while I was pregnant. Seriously! I was doing Taebo, weight lifting and step aerobics. I was really careful not to let my heart rate get too high and when I lifted weights, I was careful how I handled the weights. I slowed down big time in my third trimester. Everyone is different!!!! So it's important to check with your doctor.
Every woman and every pregnancy is different.

I've always been able to lift just like always until about 38 weeks, when I just poop out. Cardio is another matter, I really have to modify as my cardio capacity decreases and my body gets more achy.

There are super moms on the forums who are doing amazing things workout-wise up until they deliver, but that's not me.

I'd listen to your body as others have suggested and then if your doctor has specific concerns about your pregnancy you'll have to take that into consideration as well.

Always check with your ob/gyn first and follow the HR guidelines he/she will give you for expecting moms. I was told I could lift weights but guess what? My polar went off like crazy because my heart rate got elevated easily and super fast when I was pregnant! Even when I did lateral raises with 3lb dumbbells, my Polar went off as out of the safe HR zone. So I eneded up just walking on the treadmill and doing Crunch Mama Yoga up until month 8. By that point, I was so big and swollen and achey I didn't want to do anything but sit, LOL!

I strongly recommend getting a HR monitor for this reason, though. I would have continued to lift without one because I didn't FEEL like I was out of the good HR zone.

Good luck and congrats on committing to be a FIT MAMA!! :)

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