Is this an omen??



I have a strange problem ... in that I am not having any problems!!

I am about twelve weeks along and have felt almost the same as always. I keep hearing about painful breasts, nausea, falling asleep as work from exhaustion, getting up to pee in the middle of the night ... nothing!

Does this mean I'm doomed to have a miserable delivery - or worse, post-partum psychosis? Are the great pregnancy gods sure to zap me with something awful sooner or later?

Hi Jen!

Congratulations on your wonderful and "uneventful" pregnancy. All pregnancies are different. You are one of the lucky ones who is fortunate to coast through a semester that is usually not as smooth sailing. Enjoy it while it lasts. You never know, you could continue this pattern right to the end or suddenly experience some rougher times. Since there just is no way to know, relax and enjoy the good life while your little miracle grows. Keep us posted on your progress!
Hi Jen

Hi Jen,
I too had an uneventful pregnancy. The only problem I had was a horrible taste in my mouth that I couldn't get rid of no matter what I tried. I have read since then that this is a form of morning sickness. I did not experience the painful breasts and fatigue that people talk about. I also never swelled anywhere. I did pee often, but then that's normal for me anyway.
I too was scared that I was doomed for a bad delivery, but that went pretty smooth too.
So just relax and enjoy this wonderful time and keep us updated!
some women are just lucky!

My mom was like that. She had easy pregnancies, never ill. She had easy deliveries, no sweat. She had easy babies, good eaters and sleepers. Sometimes the stars smile upon you!! Just say "thanks, stars!" and don't worry about it.

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