Is there anything else like Fit TV?


In order to save a little $$, we have been doing without cable or satellite for a little over a year. Now that the nest is empty, we are going to splurge and get one or the other. Fit TV is not available in our area, but I would really like to have access to some fitness/workout shows. Does anyone know of some others that I might be able to check into?

Thanks for your help!
I know that Lifetime offers some Denise Austin stuff in the mornings, but I can't think of any other channel on satellite tv that is similar. IMO, Cathe is one of the few shows on Fit TV that is worth anything anyway.

I have heard that if you have cable service, you can order workouts "on demand" as well as HBO and Showtime shows as well. Maybe someone else could elaborate on this one?

Thanks for the info. We don't get Comcast, either. :-( It was a nice idea. I thought if I could find some good workouts on TV, that would help cut my DVD purchases and thus justify the expense of having cable/satellite. That's what I get for thinking. :p
Sorry I don't have any suggestions, but I feel your pain. When I had Fit TV in Chicago I did Cathe, Caribbean workout, and yoga all the time. It was nice to be forced to do the workout right then--can't pause the player and go to the fridge, as I often do! Unfortunately we don't have it here in Baltimore, so I keep writing Comcast and begging 'em!
I never even knew FitTV existed until this forum. I have emailing my satellite provider faithfully every few weeks for them to add this to their programming.

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