Is there a KPC premix with no high impact cardio?


I don't like the KPC workout as it is with all the high impact cardio segments in it. So I'm trying to figure out if any of the premixes are what I'm looking for. I don't like the step extensions where she windmills her arms and I don't like the run/high jog sections either.

Thanks for you help!
Why not just adapt the high impact to low? Most of the moves are first shown in low-impact (like the windmill move), and you can turn any hop kicks into regular kicks, and just do high knees ups (or knee smashes) when they do jogs and runs. I'd also prefer having the workout with no running in place and jogging.
I just don't like that type of cardio in my kickboxing workouts. And if I have to modify so much it kind of detracts from the quality of the workout for me. I'm odd that way!

I really like the kicking and punching and combo's in KPC and that's really all I want to do. Besides, I was hoping that with all the premixes I might be able to come up with the workout I would like to do! I've gone through the workout blender segments and Intermediate drill contains the windmill move and the High intensity contains the run/jog moves. So I was hoping maybe someone else had found one of the premixes without the cardio that I don't like.

If it doesn't exist I guess I'll have to go with using the skip button!
Well, after spending last night watching premixes I think the best option is the "kicking and punching" one. That just has windmill section in it.

I also used the workout blender and left out the High intensity drills and that left out quite a bit of the impact but still a lot of kickboxing intensity.

Just thought I'd answer my own question in case anyone else was interested!
Hi WillowP,

I don't know if you are interested in a premix with Legs and Glutes, but this morning I did a premix with each of the Kick/Punch combos and in between there were leg sections from legs and glutes. Then, you did more legwork from Legs and Glutes and abs from KPC. It was around a 61 minute workout and does not contain any high impact from KPC (such as windmills). I think it was called Kick/Punch combos + Strength circuit + abs. Just FYI. Have fun, Sandra
Wow! I was on the Ya Ya board and found a link to this CAthe site that had all the premixes listed. I wish I had known that.

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