Is there a Cathe Pregnancy Rotation?


Just checking cuz sometimes Cathe will post a specific rotation geared toward a specific person and their needs. Just wondering if she's ever done this for someone who's pregnant. I've searched the archives, but didn't come across anything. Just wanted to make sure.

Oh, and I just found out that I'm 3 weeks (I know it hardly counts) pregnant with #4. (Altho, I suspect it's #'s 4 and 5). I am an interm/adv Cathe/Firm/Mindy NUT! Still 20 lbs from goal due to my 17 month old! I've NEVER exercised or eaten worth a darn while pregnant and I'm determined to do so this time. Just looking around the boards, trying to come up with a rotation for myself. Did I mention that I'm incredibly anal about these things?? Must...have...rotation..planned.......

Anyway, happy and healthy pregnancies to all of you. Robin.
congrats Robin!!! email me - [email protected]

If I were pregnant, I would probably modify Cathe's videos as much as I could (I know several of them can be modified, like maybe marching in place through the anaerobic phases in IntervalMax? Ya think?) And if that was too much, I think the FIRM Basics would be really good for later on in pregnancy.

(I tried exercising though my last pregnancy but it just got too %&$#@ hot in Texas during the summer!!
Yes, I heard nothing but complaining all my life about my mother carrying me past full term in Tallahassee in August. I was due July 23 and was 14 days late. It was so hot, she couldn't breathe, miserable. It's like she had post-traumatic stress disorder so every time it got hot and she looked at me, it triggered memories. It almost made me feel guilty, although, hey, it's not like I planned it! My advice is always, don't ever have sex in September, October, November or December. It's that simple. :)
Actually, I had one baby, and she was born in January. It is nice to be "large" in the cold weather, but you really have to bundle up the newborn, so there are pros and cons either way.
Hi Robin,

I can't help you on the rotations (don't know enough about it), but wanted to congratulate you on your pregnancy.

I, too, have 3 children (2 girls and a boy; ages 8, 6 & 4) and often think about having another one. Good for you for going for it!

Take care :)
HEY! I forgot that I even posted this question. Thanks so much for the well wishes. And, let's talk HOT. My 3 kids were birthed in New Orleans, LA and the last 2 were born in July and Aug. Believe me, a pregnancy in the summer in NO is like a trip straight thru the bowels of HELL. AND, I'm about to do it again. What was I thinking????? LOL. Oh, I did move across the lake last summer, and it's always 2 whole degrees cooler over here. WHEW!!

I went on and made up my own little rotation. Intermediate the first half and then beginner stuff the second half. I am much too compulsive to "modify" anything. It's "uncomfortable". Does that make sense? If I'm doing MIS, then I HAVE to go the distance. Same with cardio. Since Cathe doesn't do interm/beginner, then it's mostly Firm tapes. Gonna do PH during the first trimester tho. I hate to lose any muscles I've built. I'm an ecto. and they are hard to produce on this body. Fat, I can produce. No problem!

Anyhoo, thanks again Amy, Mogambo and Sandi. Have a great day. Robin.

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