Is Muscle Endurance an Advanced workout

Hi! I'm looking to add onto my small collection of Cathe videos and would like to try something a little more challenging than the Pure Strength. Boot Camp looks exciting, but not sure of the ME that comes with it (DVDs). I would love to hear your opinion.
Muscle Endurance as it's done by Cathe and crew, I would not consider Advanced for a typical Cathe user. The biceps section is a killer though! However, I did this tape on Saturday, going heavier on legs, shoulders, back, tris, and chest and yowza! I really felt it the next day. It is a nice compliment to Power Hour. I usually do PH 3x's a week during my endurance rotations, but now I can mix it up with Muscle Endurance. Plus, the DVD has a great combo workout using parts of both ME and Boot Camp. Hope this helped! Oh, and the ab work in ME is awesome!
Agree with Jillybean

A workout is as tough as you make it! :7

Also, remember that Cathe is probably not working at her all out max; otherwise, she would not be able to coach us through the workout! Therefore, rather than relying on her itensity load, choose the load that will best fatgiue the muscle group you are working, which might take a few attempts to find that challenging weight.

I only did ME once and found it pretty tough - was ready to throw a dumbbell at the tv by the last set of leg presses! :7

I just wanted to add my $0.02 I love muscle endurance (even better than power hour) It's a great workout. If you have the DVD the bonus combo mix is excellent! i did it today and loved it! Thank you Cathe for such excellent hard work on the DVDs! i think it's a tough workout! you can always add more weight if you need the challenge!
Can you tell me a bit about the bonus combo in ME. My remote for my DVD is broken ,and I can't seem to get there. (I am getting a new one today)


May God you always a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
Hi Susan! Any of the weight tapes that I make can be as hard or easy as you want them to be based on the weight that you choose. If I am using a weight that is too light for you, most definitely increase it to where you are finding it challenging. For instance, in Muscle Endurance, I think you may find yourself going heavier than the weight that I selected since I know I did not max out on my weight selection. Actually, when we film videos we usually film quite a few in a small time period. Therefore I do not use my maximum weight load so that I am able to film the entire series without extreme fatigue or DOMS :)
ahhhhh.........................gotcha............yep.........I know what that feels like!
Thanks for responding!:+

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