Is it wrong for me to feel this way...


Hi ladies,

I am in need of your opinion.
My SO went to the annual Beerfest this weekend in Canada. He goes to it annually and its a time when all his buddies get together and drink.
I asked him to show me the pics he took there.

Now here is where I need your opinion...
We were going through the pics on his camera when we got to a pic of these 4 girls posing for the camera. He said they had taken a picture of him and his friend he took a picture of them. The next picture was of the 4 girls and my SO and his friend. His friend is single so maybe I understand that a bit more.

That bugged me. And I want to know if it would bug you?
He told me that there was no need to think about the picture because it was only 30 seconds. My thought process was why bother taking the picture of these girls? and then why would you want to take your picture with these girls if you don't know them?

My thought is this... no, it would not bug me. I trust DH completely so there would be no problem.

He was out drinking with his friends and I know I have many pics of random people that I never met and will never see again among the pics of friends. It happens all the time.

I would not let it bother you. It is not as if he will ever see this person again. If it does bother you that much then ask hime to throw it away. Should be no issue.


Take care,

thanks Kirsten, I appreciate you opinion. Yeah, I think it would make me feel better if he deleted the pics of them.
Ditto. I think it was innocent from the way you describe. I would shrug it off. I think I have let the jealousy thing go. I used to be very jealous (husband was in a band) until I realized there was nothing to merit it.

Have a great day!

Paragonah, UT
I think this was just some social drinkers having a bit of fun and there is nothing for you to worry about. And now it is time for my nifty little saying that I've borrowed from unkown sources:
"Don't sweat the petty things....and the don't pet the sweaty things."
I'll be the voice of dissent and say it would bother me. Not saying that I would think DH was doing anything with the women in the photo, but as far as I'm concerned a married (or serious with someone) man OR woman just doesn't have any business posing for pictures with strangers of the opposite sex. "Oh, here's a photo of the women we flirted with at the beerfest." I mean, other than flirtation, what's the point?

I know I'm hopelessly old-fashioned but that's how I feel. :)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I'm not the jealous type nor is my DH but I'm with Sparrow on this one.... It would bother me and I've got a strong feeling that had the roles been reversed DH wouldn't appreciate it either.
I trust my DH entirely. That said, yeah, it would bug me. I would make sure that next year his buddy takes his own darn camera.
I definitely fall into the Sparrow, Elaine, Robin camp on this one. I was trying to think if my DH even has friends that aren't married. I can only think of one and they really don't pal around together. I can't see him even going to that type of an event anymore--but then--we are old;)
I trust my Dh completely too. I don't think that it would bug me. But that being said, it might at first glance. But putting some thought into it I would think that if he had something to hide he would have deleted the pictures and said nothing to you. So, I don't think that you have anything to worry about. Maybe if it is bothering you, you could talk to him and let him know that in the future you would appreciate it if his buddy brought his own camera. Or that they just not do take pictures of strange women. It is hard when his buddy is single and the buddy is probably trying to meet some women. But his friend should have enough respect for you and your dh to understand that he is married and can not take part in things that a single guy would normally do.
Just my two cents. Hope it helped.

It would drive me crazy, protests of innocence or not. I'm the jealous type. I have the green eyes to prove it. If my SO came home from some drinking festival with pics of random girls on his camera, I'd be.... not happy.}(
Wouldn't bother me a bit. Out drinking with buddies if a little flirting and lookin' happened not a huge deal and makes for years of laughs with his friends. Just a picture doesn't mean any thing.


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