Is it OK?

I've done it.

I think it's okay to do it if you must. I've had to squeeze a little to fit my workouts into my schedule. I've also done STS and cardio on the same day (back-to-back), but if you were to do that, I'd to the weight work first, then the cardio.
I've done it many times, due to time constraints. The only problem I have ever run into was after a back workout, the next day I did legs and my low back was tired. I had to lighten up slightly so I didn't hurt myself. It is best to skip a day but I needed to fit in workouts. Just listen to your body! I know others have done it too, due to illness, travel, work, etc.
Good Luck
I skipped the second one...

I did disc 3 and I was pretty wiped out. I had to stop using weights halfway through and my heart rate was still at 160...I just did some abs in addition. I guess I'll do disc 2 tomorrow. I can't believe how fast the time flew by. Usually when I do leg workouts I am ready to quit after 20 min. This series is a keeper. I am glad I got it. Go Cathe!
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It sounds like you were wanting to do them both in one day. I don't think I'd do that. I have done them on back to back days though- even that was tough.
Hi Erika! Sometimes we find ourselves in this position where we have to do this and its OK to do here and there but I don't recommend it on a regular basis. Especially not back to back. If possible at least put an hour or so between the workouts so that you have time to recharge your mind and body just a wee bit.

Reson being, you are not giving your all to the second workout if you gave your all to the first. Two hours of non-stop high intensity training is near impossible to do without fatigue setting in and focus drifting. You would actually be better off doing the second workout the next day (as long as it was an upper and a lower body workout as opposed to two upper body workouts) just so that you would enter the workout focused and refreshed.

I hope this helps.

To do STS leg workout and arms back to back. I didn't have time this week and I still have to do disc 2 and 3.

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