Is it necessary


to take a day off? I know that it is suggested, but if I don't do anything for a whole day, I feel bad. I know that it is not, but it is how it makes me feel. Despite the fact that I feel bad about taking a day off, I feel so tired when I try to work out. Today has been the worst. Is this my body telling me to take the day off? Or am I just in a lazy slump? Should I force myself through the workout? Maybe I will get more energy during the workout. Or maybe I should just deal with feeling like a slacker and take the day off. Hhhmmm,:-(
YES. You need to take a day off and I know EXACTLY how you feel...believe me. Think of it this are doing your body more good if you do nothing for 1 day a week versus working out. It is true! You know all the reasons don't need us to tell you. During that "lazy" day...remember, you are doing more good than harm by resting. If you choose to push yourself, you will do more harm than good.
You really should take a day off from intense training, but there's no law that says you have to lay on the couch on your day off. I'll still walk on my "day off." I don't put on music, but use a walkman radio and listen to a talk station so I'm not so focused on speed.
Just Do It! :)

I do the exact same thing. I'm a talk radio junkie. Actually, depending on the topic, if it makes me angry enough I can really get moving;).

ETA Shawna, by all means, take the day off. For me, the purpose of exercise is to be healthy and fit. I don't see how pushing oneself past the point of physical exhaustion adds to your good health. Rest!

Your body needs recovery as well as work. Your "day off" could be, as others suggested, a walk, or a stretch workout, or some mellow yoga (not Ashtanga or Power Yoga).

And get yourself out of that mindset that you are doing something "bad" if you take a day off. 1-2 days off per week (some people need more than others) is perfectly fine and in fact beneficial.

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