It's awful! There have been horrible shootings lately - yesterday in New York with 14 people dead and several others injured and today in Pittsburgh where 3 police officers were killed. These are the most horrific incidents to occur. I want to change the channel when I hear of these stories. I always send out prayers to all involved but I just can't and don't want to hear about it. I know it's happening in the world and unfortunately that won't change but it's just so hard to hear. The ones who are suffering are the victims' families and friends. I don't want to seem as though I don't care, because I feel devastated when I hear of it, but it's just too much. I think that if it happened to me or a friend or family member, would I hope that people would show a concern? I just don't know what to do with these feelings. I want to show respect and sympathy for all affected but I'm also trying to take care of my internal self. What do you do with all of these mixed emotions and is it o.k. to just not listen to it?