Hi, Michelle. My first tape was the Wedding Video, too, and I learned the steps too quickly, too. It's so hard to know if someone will pick up easily on step, and on Cathe's stuff in particular, that people often reccommend that tape to err on the side of caution. With that said, my next tape was Stepworks, which I loved and still do love. It is more challenging both choreographically and intensity-wise. Why am I telling you this? You asked about CTX! Anyway, then I got CTX, and had no trouble picking up on the moves, either.
I think that if choreography comes pretty easily to you, you will be fine with CTX. However, even though the length of the cardio is shorter, the bpm of the music is quite a bit faster than TWV, and that's what makes them so challenging (for me, anyway). You can definitely modify by making moves lower impact, though, and the series is so fun and, well, just great that I would recommend it.
Why don't you order it AND another "easier" video (discounts, you know
), and then you could work up to them if they do seem too hard at first. You will eventually want them, anyway!
I know this probably didn't help