Ipod Workouts


Hi All,

Happy Mothers Day!!!

I just got the 80 gig ipod with video for Mom's Day (from my stepson and cat, okay Dad, reallY) in anticipation of Cathe's upcoming ipod workouts! However, where can I go now for workouts (I have the TV hook up thing, too) are there any out there now that aren't just for treadmills or running outdoors?

TIA and Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms!!

go to itrain.com.. there are many types of workouts besides treadmill ones, there are weights, eliptical. yoga. etc
I also think there was a code to get a free itrain workout CW2007. I just love my Ipod!
I second the cardio coach recommendation. I've been doing them for a couple years and I'm not sick of them yet. They really keep you motivated to finish even when you think you can't go on any longer.
Just wanted to let you guys know that Tracey Staehle has iPod (mp3) workouts available. Her Core Strength & Conditioning DVD is downloadable and her other workouts are available, too.

Her website, for those of you who don't know, is www.fitbytracey.com.
I use both iTrain and Cardio Coach as they are different in their approaches. But my absolute favorite iPod workout is Cardio Coach Choose Living. Whenever I finish that workout I am not only throughly drenched, but I feel ready to take on the world mentally as well.

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