ipod shuffle and cc's or itrain


I just got cc8 last week (my first one!) and loved it. I have an ipod shuffle and want to know if anyone else uses one for cardio. I have my music on it that I use religously when on the treadmill...it's so compact and clips right on my jogbra. My question is this, if I want to get more cc's or try itrains, at one point the capacity will run out so what do you do short of buying a "real" ipod with more capacity?

I have an ipod shuffle that I completely forgot about!
I use it in an electronic Halloween display I have. Anyway, I'm wanting a large ipod for my upcoming birthday.

I used the shuffle for my cardio coach the first time this morning.
I have all the cardio coach volumes and all of them fit onto my shuffle. However, it's really a pain in the butt to skip through all those tracks.

What I'm doing for now is loading the workout I use that day and then delete it off the shuffle, load the next workout on.
This morning I loaded vol 1&2 because I wanted an hour session.
The shuffle makes it difficult to mix up and make new workouts. It works great if you load them as you need them!
I have the docking headphones. I love it, but I still want the real ipod:)
I also load mine as I need them on my shuffle as well. It's kind of a pain, but for $48 for the shuffle, I can live with it.

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