Interval Max Trade Center background


Hi Gang! I am rather new to the forum. My name is Lisa Creaton and I live in Corning, NY. Any other fans from New York state? I have been exercising ever since the birth of my first son, which is almost shy of 19 years. I also have a 16 and 6 year old. I have been an avid Cathe fan since the beginning. I have been battling my weight within 15 lbs since I became a mother. I range between 135-150 and I am 5'5". It is getting more difficult to maintain my weight as I near 40 which is 2 years away. Anway enough about me, I have had my interval max video for quite some time now, but noticed yesterday while putting the video back in the case the background looks like the world trade center. I wonder if this is a background shot or if it was shot live. This definitely is a classic shot! Hope to hear back from you and please introduce yourself!
Hi Lisa,

My fiance is from Corning and most of his family still lives there. Small world. I also chat with a fellow motorcycle rider from Corning as well. I go to Corning every year at Christmas time and always have a really nice time (even with the "in-laws"). This year we went wine tasting up by Watkins Glen. I enjoyed the Niagra wine so much I ordered a case and its almost gone!! Enjoy the forums!

Yes, the background is the WTC. Cathe confirmed this when it came up some time ago, and I doubt it's a live shot, but haven't heard anything from SNM or Cathe about it.

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