intermediate workout suggestion


I think what would help me is an intermediate step workout that requires more mental work, but less cardiac stamina.
The beginner/intermediate workouts I've done are just too easy mentally, the choriagraphy is just too simple to keep my interest.
The reason I choose to do CATHE workouts anyway is because I can work out without constantly having the feeling that it is boring.

The current intermediate workouts are designed to be both simple in terms of foot work and cardiac intensity. I'd like it to be a step up from the cardio fusion workout
I can do the more advanced steps, I just can't do it more than a very short time.
I end up doing 15 minutes of a more intense workout just because it is a lot more fun. Now in my 40's and overweight it is just so much more difficult to make cardiac improvements than it used to be.

Cathe has improved SO DRAMATICALLY over the years.
The old videos are easier, but again, they just are not as fun.
On the other hand the Body Max 2 cardio part that I am attempting to do now, is way to hard for me, but it is a masterpiece as far as mentally. Her videos just get better and better. I LOVE the way she get almost all the high intensity moves on the step rather than on the ground.
My legs and hips, knee so appreciate that. It is less stress to my feet than even walking.

I'd like to see Cathe bring her ever developing brillance in step aerobics to a less strenous workout that is quite mentally challanging enough to keep me thinking thoughout the workout.

A series of 3 cardio workouts gradually increasing in intensity on 1 DVD would be even better.

It would give those who have a better cardio stamina a fun easy workout as well for light days.

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