Interesting snack ideas and thank you....


I absolutely love this website and think this forum is very informative. I am a lurker because I don't have a computer at home so am not able to readily post or access this website.

Everyday while I eat my lunch I try and catch up with the posts. I think I go away each day with some kind of insight whether its nutrition or whether or not I should have a baby. So thank you for allowing me to lurk and for educating me on so many topics.

I wanted to share this snack bar that I have feel in love with. They are called LARABARS. I used and still do buy lunabars for emergencies but recently I tried these bars and they are yum. No sugar, good fat and just yum. (if you are interested the website is

I also recently learned about but have not tried any of their products and don't want to order if they are not good. So if you have tried them pls let me know.

Thank you and hope all have a good weekend,
The Choc one has 18 gr of sugar and only 5 gr of protein... you might as well be eating a Snickers bar!

Which one do you get?
I love the Cashew Cookie and Chocolate Coconut Chew flavors. They're better refrigerated, in my opinion. Also, there's a similar bar company called "Thinkorganic!" that makes similar organic raw food snack bars in slightly different flavors and textures. Their Chocolate Coconut bar is also very good. All of these bars (and many more flavors) are available at my Whole Foods store and I load up when they go on sale.
I am going to try them refrigerated, good idea.

I have tried the Apple Pie, Banana cookie and it's not on the website but in Canada they have a Cocoa chili.

The sugar is all natural from dates or the fruits and the fats from nuts. They can be a bit pricey so I stock up on them when they are on sale as well.

I will check out the "Thinkorganic" as well.

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