Interesting article on portion size/standard restaurant plate size increase

RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

Thanks Judy, I thought it was interesting, too. No matter how healthy you eat, portion size is just a reality -- and so mental, at times, at least for me!
RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

Here is a great example. My 84 year old Dad lost 28 pounds by cutting down his portion sizes! He has been a widower for 18 years and eats out except for breakfast. He just decided pushing away form the table would be his stragegy and it has worked beautifully for him.

Along with the great portin control he goes to the Y regularly to exercise, with his doctor's blessings. This man has had 3 (yes 3) knee replacements and 14 suregeries (all orthopaedic) in the last 14 years. He finally decided that perhaps his joints needed less weight to bear, literally.

Can you tell how proud of him I am?

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

Judy-that is fantastic and inspiring that at 84, your dad can take control of his eating and exercise!

RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

Fascinating article, Barb - and SOOO true! Have you seen some of those restaurants like Magianno's? Everyone goes there - the place is mobbed all the time - because of the perceived value. How valuable is it when you eat two days worth of calories in one sitting? I have friends who think nothing of eating a 1/2 pound hamburger. 1/2 a pound of ground beef - no one needs that. Does anyone realize that a Happy Meal is a standard serving size for an adult?
RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

Interesting, Christine. I haven't heard of Magianno's. But the perceived value of eating too much is really a strong draw. We watched Supersize Me as a family a few years ago and it's amazing that since that movie McDonald's has changed it's menu -- but I think they say it had nothing to do with the movie.

RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

"We watched Supersize Me as a family a few years ago and
it's amazing that since that movie McDonald's has changed it's
menu -- but I think they say it had nothing to do with the

yeah, I totally believe them! ;)

I really enjoyed that article. We know many people who go out to dinner and share one entree rather than get two. Saves $$$ and inches! :)

RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

I don't know ANY grown man or teenager that would be full from a happy meal!!! Most men I know work physically hard and my teenagers play sports and have chores. They need more calories than that!!

Did anyone not ever have seconds growing up? Yes, restaraunts give you too much, but just take some home!!!

RE: Interesting article on portion size/standard restau...

I think its a good idea for adults to order off the kids menu - I rarely eat fast food, but I have ordered the Runza kids meal and that is plenty for me-maybe not my hubby though....

There is soo much food wasted at restaraunts - its sad - I always take at least half of mine home......

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