Intensity DVD #3 Suggestions


For the bonus option on DVD #3 (upper/lower body split), I would love a pre-programmed mixing of both upper and lower body segments so that we can have a ready-made new "Power Hour 2" workout.
I love the suggestion of doing a Pyramid Down approach as the Bonus workout. I'm not sure how that differs from what others here are suggesting, since this workout would be a total body workout. I'd like to be able to do this bonus workout as either a total body workout or a shorter two day split, for the weeks when I don't have as much time.

It sounds great, and I am really looking forward to this new series.
I like the Pyramid down approach too. But anything that you decide will work perfect for me.

SharonH- this is exactly what I had in mind too! A one hour total body workout would be so excellent! What do you think Cathe?

I would love to see some pre=exhaust exercises (ie: flyes before chest press, isolated glute work before squats), especially if it isn't used in the other routines (but I'm hoping it will be---hint!)
I like the idea of a full body option. Either pyramid up or down is fine. It would be great to be able to do another "express" workout when I'm pressed for time.
Just please please please have a good ab/core routine perhaps extended beyond what's on the Upper Body Pyramid!

Annette Q. Aquajock
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-02 AT 01:42PM (Est)[/font][p]Since your already doing a muscle endurance workout my vote is for a pyramid down.
Dawn W

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