Okay, I'm sorry for the subject title, BUT I'm venting here. Cathe is evil and her stability ball is the tool through which all evil is administered. I just did lower body pyramid this morning and did all NORMAL lower body exercises at Cathe's weight no problem and thought, hey I can move way heavier next time THEN.....I got to the stability ball "stuff" (and that's using nice words). Holy Cow.....by the end of the stability ball leg work my legs felt like rubber and the little area on the outer portion of my hips was like "all balled up". When I went to stretch (and I am very flexible) I went to bend over and hardly went a few inches without screaming because of this "balled up muscle" (that's what it felt like, don't know what else to call it) was so tight I couldn't even bend over. I don't think I'll be walking normal for a few days. Just when I think I"m tough she proves me to be incredibly whimpy. I know I've been on vacation and lost it a little, but has anyone else had this experience????? Maybe I missed some posts regarding this and I haven't visited the other forums for a few weeks now or maybe it's only me.
End venting....
Sunday did Boot camp and Biceps, shoulder work
Monday....you've heard what I did this morning #$%^&**$##
Tuesday...All Upperbody PS
Wednesday...IMAX or Cardio Kicks
Thursday...S&H Biceps Triceps and a little cardio
Friday....S&H legs, shoulders (if I can resume walking after that evil ball)
Saturday....S&H chest and back with 1/2 of IMAX
The following week I want to start the one body part per day, is anyone doing this currently? How's it going? I can't remember if it was Julie or Robin who suggested doing the UBP slowing down the reps and going heavier.....this sounds brilliant and I'm going to do this. I think it's my solution to liking UBP and feeling like I really worked my upper body well.
Last but not least.....has anyone popped their stability ball intentionally yet????????
End venting....
Sunday did Boot camp and Biceps, shoulder work
Monday....you've heard what I did this morning #$%^&**$##
Tuesday...All Upperbody PS
Wednesday...IMAX or Cardio Kicks
Thursday...S&H Biceps Triceps and a little cardio
Friday....S&H legs, shoulders (if I can resume walking after that evil ball)
Saturday....S&H chest and back with 1/2 of IMAX
The following week I want to start the one body part per day, is anyone doing this currently? How's it going? I can't remember if it was Julie or Robin who suggested doing the UBP slowing down the reps and going heavier.....this sounds brilliant and I'm going to do this. I think it's my solution to liking UBP and feeling like I really worked my upper body well.
Last but not least.....has anyone popped their stability ball intentionally yet????????