Intensely Insane Ectos


Okay, I'm sorry for the subject title, BUT I'm venting here. Cathe is evil and her stability ball is the tool through which all evil is administered. I just did lower body pyramid this morning and did all NORMAL lower body exercises at Cathe's weight no problem and thought, hey I can move way heavier next time THEN.....I got to the stability ball "stuff" (and that's using nice words). Holy the end of the stability ball leg work my legs felt like rubber and the little area on the outer portion of my hips was like "all balled up". When I went to stretch (and I am very flexible) I went to bend over and hardly went a few inches without screaming because of this "balled up muscle" (that's what it felt like, don't know what else to call it) was so tight I couldn't even bend over. I don't think I'll be walking normal for a few days. Just when I think I"m tough she proves me to be incredibly whimpy. I know I've been on vacation and lost it a little, but has anyone else had this experience????? Maybe I missed some posts regarding this and I haven't visited the other forums for a few weeks now or maybe it's only me.

End venting....

Sunday did Boot camp and Biceps, shoulder work've heard what I did this morning #$%^&**$##
Tuesday...All Upperbody PS
Wednesday...IMAX or Cardio Kicks
Thursday...S&H Biceps Triceps and a little cardio
Friday....S&H legs, shoulders (if I can resume walking after that evil ball)
Saturday....S&H chest and back with 1/2 of IMAX

The following week I want to start the one body part per day, is anyone doing this currently? How's it going? I can't remember if it was Julie or Robin who suggested doing the UBP slowing down the reps and going heavier.....this sounds brilliant and I'm going to do this. I think it's my solution to liking UBP and feeling like I really worked my upper body well.

Last but not least.....has anyone popped their stability ball intentionally yet????????

Hi Briee! :)

I love the sub title! I felt like an insane ecto under intense stress yesterday while doing Power Hour. I was too chicken to pull out Boot Camp but I have it scheduled for this week for sure!

I love PLB! Right now I'm doing a total body rotation but come March I will be doing a split using the Pyramids, Slow & Heavy and Pure Strength. I thought the same thing though about PLB. I thought about going heavier the next time out but had seconds thoughts once we got down on the floor to use the stability ball! Whoa! What a challenge! I was fairly sore after using PLB but it wasn't that bad because I didn't go as heavy as I would if I were doing the workout routine I do for Body For Life. But it was some of that same soreness and I liked that! Besides, the reps in PLB and PUB are a little quicker, so I went lighter on the weights.

I am so glad I'm not the only one feeling wimpy when it comes to these new tapes! But I try to look at it as a challenge, something to conquer - I want to be able to do all of these workouts without having to pause the vcr, miss reps or sit back and watch a section! ;) I may not be able to use the weights that Cathe and crew are hoisting but I want to be able to say that I can do all of the workouts straight through. Then I'll worry about increasing the weight.

Okay, here's my schedule for this week:

sun - Power Hour, 10 minutes of Power Yoga
mon - Kickbox, 10 minutes of jumprope
tue - Muscle Endurance
wed - Stairstepper, 30 minutes of ballet workout
thu - rest
fri - Boot Camp
sat - Maximum Intensity Strength or Power Hour

Question - do you think it's possible to do MIS the day after Boot Camp? Since I've only previewed BC (and that was weeks ago), I'm not sure of the amount of weight training, if there is any, in BC. Please advise! :) I can always move BC to Thursday night and rest on Friday.

Hey ectochicks!

Briee, you are *not* alone! That stability ball work is killer! After the first time I did the workout, I did notice a soreness in the outer glutes. On last week's thread, I said I thought it was from the "froggy" things, but after doing the workout again, I think it was from the part where you do the outer leg lifts while leaning on the ball. That really burns - even without ankle weights on.

I find the part where you put one heel on the ball and have the other leg in the air and are doing the hamstring work to be the hardest. I think it's PS that uses this same move, but on the step, it's much easier!

And the ab work using the ball in PUB is really tough for me, too. It seems a lot more challenging the "traditional" ab work. I'm only doing a partial version of those pikes.

Robin, I saw there's an article in the latest M&F Hers on developing great glutes. Thought you might want to take a look.

This week, I'll be doing the same as last week with an extra total body endurance thrown in on Thursday - if all goes well.

Sunday - LL
Monday - PUB
Tuesday - PLB
Wednesday - off
Thursday - ME
Friday - Core work
Saturday - CTX UB

Y'all have a great, intense week! And for those of you lucky enough to have today off - enjoy!

"I find the part where you put one heel on the ball and have the other leg in the air and are doing the hamstring work to be the hardest. I think it's PS that uses this same move, but on the step, it's much easier!"

Not only is the step easier because it doesn't move, but in PS the step is only 8" high!!
Hello, Insane Ones!;-) I'm joining amyfit's Fat Blaster Rotation Challenge for the next 5 weeks, give or take 4 weeks or so.:p (You know my history.:+ ) So, this week it's:

Mon-C&W, BM step
Tues-IMAX 2, All Step
Wed-ME, Kickbox
Fri-PUB, 60 min cardio
Sat-PLB, Power Circuit

I haven't done PLB yet and you guys are scaring me. Altho, I admit, fear had already set in, due to numerous posts on this board re: the killer ball work. Good grief, I can't even do the abwork in C&W. I was falling all over the joint this a.m.

Briee, it must have been Julie who made the PUB suggestion. I have yet to do that tape.

Angie, I haven't done BC yet either. I have previewed it tho. Doesn't look like too much upper body work. Kind of endurance-like, but if I could, I'd still separate the two. JMHO.:)

Waves to all and have a groovy day!:7
Hi Angie, you could move your rest day to Friday and that may be advised, but I would note IMHO, bootcamp is REALLY cardio for my body at least. I'd stick it in where I would normally put IMAX (only it's worse in my opinion). I don't feel like I get as much of an "intense" muscle workout, but boy is my heart pumping. (Can ones heart ache????) I could probably go heavier to make it more of a muscle workout, but I don't think I could breath if I did this. Make sense?

Looks like you have a fun week ahead of you, I wish I knew more about ballet, that sounds so beautiful, but we are in the sticks and we don't have much of anything by way of classes. I feel blessed that we have Lotus (Karate) classes, our whole family goes :) .

Hi Briee!

Thanks for the advice on BC! I think I'll give it a whirl on Thursday, move the rest day to Friday and see how that feels. I guess that's the only way I'm ever going to really know if I can do this workout before or after strength training. So I should really stop being fearful of Boot Camp and just do it!:eek:

I have access to actual ballet classes, some start a little early for me considering how far I work but I attended a freebie class, enjoyed it and do plan to sign up some time in the near future but in the meantime I did a search for ballet tapes and found a few at Borders. Didn't order them, just went to my local library did another search there and put in my requests. The tapes I have at home are Ballet 101 (can't remember the instructors' name, female though) and Begining Ballet Basics with David Howard. I think I like David's more but both are good for home use. Both I think are easier for the beginner than The New York City Ballet which I also have.

The reasoning behind all of this ballet is to get more toned, muscular, leaner legs - I love the look of dancer's legs! Plus I figured this was one of the few options I have for getting rid of the saddlebag look that's trying to creep on me! x(

So if you can't be there - pop in a tape! :)

Hi Robin!

Thanks to you and Briee I am moving BC to Thursday and resting on Friday. I got to for it eventually and it might as weel be this week! I've been putting off BC for so long! I think it's time! :)

The ab work in all the videos is challenging for me too! I was wondering what I've been doing wrong these last few months that the work is killing me. But oh how I love that burn!!! Woo Hoo! I just keep thinking about having tight abs by the summer! Yeah!

Angie, thanks for the info on ballet, I'll have to check those out. I would love to be a little more graceful. I guess Cathe suits my style (I have been known to throw weights around in a less than graceful manner), but I have always admired the movements of the "ballet inclined" :) :) :)

Hi Briee. I don't have Cathe's LBP, but I have done stability ball work at a gym with a friend a few times. It doesn't "look" like it would be hard, but OMG. When I took the classes, my whole body was like jello. I think the ball gets to all of those "little" muscles that weights don't touch. That's why we feel like we do after using it. I love ball work...especially for the stomach and back...nothing is better for the core. When I saw she did ball work on the pyramid tapes, I wanted to buy them just for that reason. I think the ball and weights is a great way to hit every single muscle in the body. My husband makes fun of me when I use the ball until he got down on the floor. It wasn't so easy he found out. I can say this...when I went to the ball classes, I noticed I was stronger with every class and I only went about 8 times. I was so amazed at how strong I got from class to class. It is a little akward using the ball if you aren't used to it. It gets easier with each workout. You're gonna love the results.

I did PLB last night and I think Kim's right - it does get a little easier each time, but the stability ball work is certainly a very valuable addition to our fitness routines.

I did PUB Monday night and I called my hubby in to see the pike move. I said, "Isn't that insane?" So of course, he had to get down and try it. I was pleased to see it was difficult for him and he was only able to partially do the move. I think part of the problem for me on these is you need to be pretty strong through the upper body as well as the core.


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