Intense Ectochicks


Hey Ectochicks!

Where is everyone? Too worn out from the new Intensity workouts to post? I can see I'm going to have to get this week's thread started.

I have good news on two fronts: I'm continuing to feel better and although I'm still not up to full speed, I'm making progress faster than I expected. Thank heavens for muscle memory! Also, I had asked my hubby for the Intensity DVDs #2 and #3 for Christmas. Of course, they weren't ready in time and he never mentioned it, so I thought he didn't get them for me. I sure was excited to find out he had indeed ordered them and they arrived Friday.

So, how are you guys doing with the new workouts? Can't wait to hear your feedback! I *attempted* Boot Camp Friday night. I ended up standing with my jaw hanging open for most of the cardio sections. I really felt that ab work, though! Sunday I tried PUB and really liked it. PLB is on the schedule for tonite. Haven't tried ME yet.

Y'all jump in here and tell me how you're doing!

YAHOOOOOOO!!! Angela!!!!!!!

I'm so glad you're feeling better! And doing Intensity Series on top of it!

I really am liking what I've done with these tapes. BUT (don't ya know, everything always has a great big but) but, I'm not sure how I feel about PUB. I didn't get sore from it on Saturday. I'm shocked, a lot of users said they really burned from it for days. Tell me what you think, ecto's.

I'm going to PUB one part per day this week. With the other Intensity Series w/o's as written. Not moving onto to Terminator's/bonus mixes until I feel I have the originals down pat.

I did Cardio Weights today and boy was it fun! I especially enjoyed going really heavy on upper body segments.

ROBIN!!! Stop twisting my arm! I bought one all ready. Oh, you know, I'm talkin' about the Bun & Thigh Rocker. Yup, my "ol' buttismo" & thighs are gonna be rockin' along wit'cha. I think Jake oughta give Honeybunch and Francine a kickback. Can't wait for Fat Tuesday! What day is it?

Update me on your Intensity Series endeavors, ecto's!


RE: YAHOOOOOOO!!! Angela!!!!!!!

Hey Julie!

Good to hear from you! Things are SO SLOW here at work today. I've been hanging around here hoping someone would show up to chat!

Where are all the Intensity DVDers anyway? I thought the boards would be swamped with folks talking about the new workouts, but it seems kinda quiet.

Give PUB another chance and take your weights up. I bet you'll feel it. I went pretty easy since I'm not up to my former level yet, but I feel some chest soreness today, the day after.

I was surprised how heavy those lighter weights feel when you're coming back down the pyramid. Whew!

How 'bout them pikes on the stability ball?!? Far out! I had to go to Sports Authority last night to get one. I had a gift certificate from my folks for Christmas to spend. Yee haw! Hubby blew it up for me last night, so I'll give it a try when I do PLB tonite.

He said when the DVDs obviously weren't going to be ready in time for Christmas, he thought he'd give them to me for Valentine's Day. Then he say how excited I was to learn he had indeed ordered them for me and he said, "I knew I couldn't make you wait two more weeks!" Ha!

RE: PLB Last Night

Wow! What a workout! The step ups were tough for me because I've been eliminating them from LL - not yet up to doing the whole thing. I got really burned out on them during my Firm days, too. Anyway, they sure got my heart rate up.

I was impressed with the floorwork with the stability ball! That stuff's harder than it looks! I sure felt it in the hamstrings.

I think I may try a rotation like this:
PUB (heavy)
PLB (heavy)
CTX UB (lighter)
LL (lighter)

Then throw in ME or PH when I have an odd day. Of all the leg workouts, I still think I've seen the most progress with LL - it's the low ends!

I tried Boot Camp first, but it's been so long since I've done cardio, it kicked my butt. Doing such intense stuff in short bursts and then stopping suddenly was tough for me, so I don't think I'll be using it as much. May try using the weights and/or abs premixes. Love those DVDs!!!

I haven't tried ME yet, but have it scheduled for Thursday. I'll be doing PUB again tonite and will take Wed. off. Now that I have my ball, I can try those killer pikes!:eek: Pray for me!

RE: PLB Last Night

Hi Angela and Julie and all other ectos out there who haven't checked in yet. (Anna too, cause I know she peeks in from time to time :) . I am in Sunny Florida and stopped at a library cause I miss you all SOOOOOOOOOO much. I have literally been lonely without all my buds here!!!!! Weather's been beautiful and this library is like a country club. Our little library in the country is about the size of the bathroom here and we have 2 computers whereas they have like 100. And I didn't know that computers could move so fast....anyway, (I'm sounding like a country hick, really guys I was raised in the city and defected, it's just a shock after being in the country so long). My husband and I are continuing our workouts here in FL. Monday I did ME in our room while he jogged to the library (7 miles away, only to be rejected because he didn't have proper ID, they never do that in the country!!!!) ME was interesting as I only brought some aquaweights that total 30#, and two 8# weights for all other work. I used a chair to do all those step ups, wow, that was tougher as it was a little taller. On all barbell work I had to use 30# which I held on each shoulder (2 - 15#). I realized that when I have to I can push myself harder that I tend to do at home. I used a giant diaper bag as a medicine ball, did step ups holding two 8 pound weights. I brought PH, LL an CK along too, but don't know if I have much room for CK. I think I will jumprope (interval style) on my alternate days.

Regarding PUB, I am sorry to say that I wasn't thrilled with it. I did it and didn't feel like I worked anything very well (I may have posted this before) But, I think I need to keep in mind that it is more endurance and use it as such. I was looking for a S&H type of pyramid workout. I like S&H where I can go really heavy on the second set and heavy on the 1st and 3rd. Maybe it will grow on me and this is only my opinion of course, if it works for you GO for it!!!!

Now regarding food. Angela, I've lost it completely. I finally was able to wean the baby and had been sugar free for over a year, BUT.....I have really blown the diet, since now I'm not forced to eat perfectly. I've been preaching for the last few weeks on getting rid of the sugar and feeling like a hypocrit here in FL. I keep telling my dh, I haven't had this stuff in over a year, not a single cookie over the holidays....I deserve this!!!! (more justification) When I get home, I'm back to clean eating, I promise x( . Just for the record, I put on like 8 pounds immediately just by eating the extra junk, this is not good.

Now that I've rambled on and on like I haven't seen you all for weeks, I will sign off. I'm trying to get in a workout at least every other day. Don't know if I can check this again before we return, but will try. Otherwise, see you in two weeks or so!!!!

RE: PLB Last Night

Can someone tell me what this thread is all about? Is it for people who are bigget on the bottom and trying to get smaller in that area? If so, has anyone had a rotation with videos that helps?

What's this all about?

Hi Rhonda,

Sorry for the confusion. This is a (usually) weekly check-in thread for ectomorphs. There are supposedly three main body types:
Ectomorphs - small-boned with a tendency to be naturally thin and to have a hard time gaining muscle
Mesomorphs - those lucky naturally athletic folks that gain muscle easily and don't gain fat as easy, usually medium-framed
Endomorphs - larger framed folks who find they gain fat easily

Of course, most people probably have characteristics of more than one type.

Anyway, this group is made up of folks that I guess you would call "hard gainers" - we have a harder time than others gaining that lovely muscle definition we so admire on Cathe...


Hey Briee,

Regarding your disappointment with PUB, why not try the pyramid up only or pyramid down only premixes and heavy up on your weight? You could do this with the VHS, too, although it would be more of a hassle. I think I'm going to do this some using the pyramid up only option.

I hear you on the diet. Since I started having health problems again - I've been eating all kinds of junk I don't normally eat. I lost a lot of weight unintentionally and needed to "eat, eat, eat" to gain it back. Now, I'm on a medication that makes me hungry, so I'm really going nuts. Once I get off the meds, maybe I can get back on track.


And sometimes some of us ectos take steriods for their medical conditions and gain a whole lotta weight they have to struggle to lose. Like me, that's what happened to me!

RE: steroids

Hey Edith,

I can relate. The med I mentioned that's making me so hungry is prednisone, but since I had lost weight before they put me on it, too much weight gain hasn't become a problem - yet. I've been on it once before, and it did eventually really bloat me out. I didn't gain weight all over - just in the trunk and belly. Real attractive.

Steroids are definitely a mixed blessing - they can make you feel so much better, but have so many bad side effects. I like to think Cathe's workouts are helping me deal with it. Are you still on them?

RE: steroids

Hey, EctoChicks! Yes, I have my new DVDs, but no, I haven't tried them out yet. I'm doing a Joyce Vedral 3 wk rotation and I'm on week 2. Then, I plan to do the Total Body Blast Rotation for 3 weeks. I have to say that I'm disappointed to hear that y'all think PUB isn't so tough. JV uses the pyramid system and she makes my Upper Body sore for several days. I did UB on Sat. and today, I'm still sore. So, maybe I'm just so weak, *anything* will work. Anyway, I'm looking forward to trying all the Intensity DVDs. I've had IMAX 2 and C&W on vhs for a couple of weeks, and LOVE them! So, fun.

Angela!!! So good to 'see' you back. You sound like you're on the mend and I can't believe you even attempted BC. That looks horrid! }( Of course, we like horrid. I feel for you guys on Prednisone. I know it makes you feel better and that's what's important. It's just that my Mom was on it for yrs .... and she's an apple anyway, so you can imagine. Course, she never exercised either. I wish it had been popular then. ---- Your DH is a big ole Sweety!:*

Briee, what can I say? Exercising and posting on vacation? A true addict. Very impressive. I'm a lazy, good for nuttin', slob on vacation.:p

Julie!!!! So happy that you succumbed to the lure of the Bun & Thigh rocker. (Also, happy that I get to use the word "succumbed". The opportunity is so rare.:+ ) My paypal thingie went through today, so it should be here by the end of the week. If you read my post, I think it'll help me build some bootay, cuz I can't lift enough wt. over my head to really challenge my weak, small, flabby, scrawny, miniscule glute muscles...if you can call them 'muscles'.:-( Anyway, it's my Valentine's Day present and I plan to use the heck out of it.

So far, I'm back on the sugar-free wagon (Hi, Briee!:p ) and doing well with it. Briee, the fact that you gained 8 lbs right away is enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. I know though, that it's about impossible for me to stick to on vacation. Don't beat yourself up. Just enjoy and get back on track later.:9

Is anyone missing? Angie?? Are you out there?

You guys have a great week.


'Bout time you joined in!;-)

Hey, I did PUB last night. I think the reports of it being too easy are greatly exaggerated. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I saw a thread yesterday in Cathe's forum from someone who claimed it was so intense she almost got sick. If you use heavy enough weights to really challenge you, you'll definitely feel it. I have to admit, I was surprised at Cathe using three pounders for the shoulders and triceps. I don't own anything lighter than five.

Now, if you can do the *ab work* on PUB and tell me it's too easy - yikes! That's some killer stuff there. I'm anxious to learn the pikes on the stability ball, but by the time we got to that part, my upper body was so fatigued, I couldn't do but a few partials. I think I need to try some of the abs only premixes when I have a rest day planned to get some practice on all these new moves.

It feels great to be getting back in the swing of things. I never dreamed I'd be so excited about working out and miss it so much when unable to. Today's a rest day - tomorrow I'll try ME for the first time!


Oh boy, I don't think I expressed this quite right, I didn't say that PUB was easy. It was faster than I had imagined. I like to work each muscle thoroughly and in a slow and controlled manner and if I go heavy on PUB, I feel like I need to slow down or I'm not in correct form, which at that point I might as well go to S&H. It is a great endurance tape just not what I was "envisioning" for pyramid work. Does this make sense? I believe I need to find the correct balance on the weights and treat it as an endurance workout and quit complaining right :) ? Angela, I will try your suggestion. Also, I will admit I only did it once and you know that you really can't judge something by the first time around when your in the "learning mode". I had fun with boot camp and IMAX II, but I'm incredibly jealous of you DVDer's and your mixes.

I'm missing not having a step here in FL, but glad that I have internet access here at the library so I can check on you all!!! And our children think this library ranks right up there with Disney World. We asked them what they wanted to do this morning and they all yelled....LIBRARY!!! What happened to the beach????

One more thing....I believe this stability ball thing along with all Cathe's other core work in this series is going to take our abs to new heights!!! Angela I agree, I almost need to schedule a session to work abs only so I'm not so zapped from other stuff.


Briee, I can't believe you're on vacation and still posting, what a nut! You crack me up.

I understand what you mean about PUB it is exactly what you said: a great endurance tape. I, too, was hoping for slower and heavier pace on the reps. I'm hoping you and I can put our ecto heads together and come up with a way tweak it. I've a got post on "Ask Cathe" to that effect. I'm doing one part per day with it this week and today I did shoulders heavier than Cathe, and I think that hit the spot a little bit better.

Yup, the "weirdo" is hoping she gets sore muscles.


PS-Angela, my mother-in-law is on pred for "asthma" read emphysema. That is tough stuff. Hope your supplementing your calcium.

Hello, Intense Ones. Just thought I'd bump this in case Angie drops by!

And, I wanted to brag on my new BUN & THIGH ROCKER that came today!!!!
I think this may be just what an ecto with non-existant glutes might need. It's really sturdy, sleek and just plain good-lookin'. I think I'm in love. What will I tell DH???;-) I'll use it tomorrow with my Joyce V. workout. Wish me soreness!:+

Have a good one, Y'all!

OOOOOh! Robin! Mine should be here early next week. I can't wait to toss my butt on it and rock away.

Will you please post for me (if you can still walk) and let me know how your "maiden voyage" on the BTR went? Pretty please!:7


OK. I guess I'm going to have to do a Web search and see what this Bun and Thigh Rocker thing is all about. Never heard of it until recently. I guess I live a secluded life out here in the boondocks.

I did ME last night for the first time. Maybe I should say I *attempted* to do ME! Wow, what a workout! Have you guys tried it yet? The biceps and abs really got me. I know I'm still not up to par, but Cathe's new ab work seems much harder to me than what she's done in the past. Is it just me?


Hey Angela,

The Bun & Thigh Rocker is a piece of lower body equipment marketed by Jake of "Body By Jake". There's a picture of it on his website and I'm hoping this is the link:

According to several regular posters on the forum here, it's great for reducing the size and firming up the "ol' buttissimo" as Jake puts it. Apparently the existing model is being discontinued and is selling on e-bay for 39.95 + 25.00 S&H. If you're patient you could win one on auction and not do the "buy it now" thing like me. I saw one for auction, pick up only, in WI. Is that where you are?

Found out I have a terrible sinus infection that's managed to work it's way all the way into the roots of my top molars. My teeth are SO sensitive I could just die. Imagine doing Imax 2 with your mouth shut the whole time. Dr. told me something I'd not heard from a physician before: Don't eat/drink dairy products, they make your head stuffier. (Edited so as not to "gross you out".)

Bored, sick, on the computer way too much today.


** When you go to the website click on products

Okay Angela, this BTR thingy, I guess we've got to get one as it sounds terribly effective from all the previously posted reviews. Can't wait to hear how sore you are from using this. Will the list of equipment we need to keep our bums tight ever stop???? We can't even see this part of our physique (okay so that's not the point right). So tell me about this.....will we be able to do mega squats or the equivalent? Like for S&H work, I'm currently getting under my bar from the back of the weightbench so I can squat around 72# or so....will this BTR substitute more safely for this type of work? Is it better?

And....where is this person in WI, I'm going to over and check Ebay right away to see. (I'm from WI and would love to pick it up within reason). Robin and Julie, you have to let us know your results. Can someone tell me if the old model is as good as the new model, which appears to be selling for 159.99 or so (lots of bucks...I want to find a deal on ebay).

It's cloudy here in FL and yes were at the library again. Angela, isn't ME fun. I'm using a chair at this condo were renting to do step ups and it works great. Step ups seem to get into that little area between the upper thigh and lower butt. Again I'd like to know how that BTR works and what area it seems to target best.


Julie, sorry to hear your feeling so yucky. Actually cutting dairy out should help your sinus infection to heal more quickly. Hope your feeling better soon.

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