Instructing Aerobics


New Member
If you've ever taught an aerobics class and remember your first class, please respond. I taught my first class last night.

It was a muscle toning class (upper & lower body). How did it go? I have NO idea. I just felt like everyone was staring at me w/ blank looks on their faces.

Does anyone have any nightmarish stories to share or motivational ideas? I think I could have been more confident, but it was hard considering it was my first night and I had 30 people just staring at me.

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm telling ya, tonights class made me want to run & hide.
RE: Ah, Memories!

Hi, Spersia! Congratulations on surviving your first class! It gets better, I promise you, as you get more comfortable with your participants and your modes, and as your participants get more comfortable with you.

I remember my first full class as a student instructor while still in training for aqua group fitness . . . I was filled with fire, creative ideas and almost zero experience in actually cueing, doing and knowing what to do next! I stunk up the joint like you would not believe, and the participants, while kind, were relieved that my second student instructor class would not be during their class.

My first few months or so I relied heavily on pre-done notes and plans for specific movement rotations, and then as I got more comfortable I started winging it more. I almost never use notes or really plan my classes anymore. And while aqua does not have the same types of choreography considerations that studio classes do, you gotta know what you're doing and why!

I'll suggest you log onto the Turnstep website ( and go onto the Instructor and Kitchen Sink bulletin boards, to get more insight and stories about how to survive - and prevail - your "newbieness".

It's worth the effort - I love group fitness instruction!

("Annette Q. Aquajock" on the Turnstep forums)

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