I'm on week 7, well just about to start week 7 tomorrow. I'm loving the program, finding month 2 quite challenging but pushing through. My problem is that I'm really not feeling well, got some sinus thing going on and now in the chest, really tired, could barely do Friday and Sat. workouts. I'm most probably going to work tomorrow unless fever comes into play but believe it or not I don't want to break up the rotation. If I take tomorrow off it throws everything off...I really wanted to do the whole 9 weeks without stopping but then I had to feel like this!!! So if I take tomorrow off and who knows about Tues. do I just start up when I'm better or scrap the whole week...I've always started on Mondays and it really throws things off if I don't...I know I'm making this more complicated than it is but any advice would be helpful.