Insanity and Over 40


I know age is just a number but sometimes the aches last just a little longer the older you get. Here's my question, is anyone out there 40 or older and doing the insanity series? I'm very interested in purchasing these because I do have a love for high intensity cardio. Let me know how you felt after doing some of these? Thanks for any info.
Well, I just cracked the seal on my Insanity package today and I'm going to be 39 in a couple of months. Here's my review of Pure Cardio from my blog:

I decided not to run today and instead did Insanity Pure Cardio (I want to make sure that I change up my cardio regularly to avoid using my muscles the same way all the time and getting repetitive-stress injuries). I've had Insanity for a couple of months (not to be confused with being insane for a much longer period) but hadn't even taken the plastic wrap off. I really liked this one; it was a good rest day workout. It was quick - 38 minutes including 2 five-minute stretching sections and the warm up. I only burned about 338 calories, but that ain't bad for what was in effect a half hour workout. I liked Shaun T's style, I liked the atmosphere, the music wasn't distracting and I liked the fact that I held my own while the background exercisers were dropping like flies! So I guess I liked that they showed them getting fatigued and taking breaks. It wasn't fancy, so I didn't have to learn any choreography or worry about breaking my ankle on a step. No equipment needed, either, which was nice. By the end of the warm up, I was already dripping sweat; in fact, twenty minutes after the workout, I'm STILL raining sweat! I'm not going to follow his rotation or anything, but it is nice to change things up a bit and move in other ways. Max heart rate was 105%, average heart rate was 79% of max. Not bad, considering that average includes the stretching and warm up.
Although I don't do anything close to Insanity's printed rotation, I love the cardio workouts in Insanity, and I do a mish-mosh of at least two of the cardio workouts at least once a week (usually Sunday mornings, this morning being an exception). No joint problems whatsoever, and Insanity has zoomed up to the top of my list of preferred workout formats along with several of my custom mish-moshes of Cathe's workouts. I'm 48+.

I'm 48 and have Insanity. I haven't been doing the rotation but just throwing them in when the weather is bad and I can't run. I love the workouts!
I'm 40 and did the 2 month rotation as suggested with a few things added on here and there. If you are used to advanced cardio, this will be a fun challenge for you. I found this much easier on my body than step or running.
I am definitely over 40 and I have three more Insanity workouts to go before completing the nine week rotation. I am following the recommended Insanity calender and love every minute of it. After I complete Insanity next week I plan to continue to put Insanity workouts into my cardio rotation once to twice weekly. The first month has shorter workouts about 40 minutes and the second month workouts are about 55 minutes. I love the fact that the workouts are very athletic oriented, there is no choreography to learn and absolutely no equipment is needed. The last time that I did Max Interval Pylo I burned over a thousand calories. I could hardly believe it. Not bad for 55 minutes of really hard work!

I also really enjoyed Shaun T and his personality and style of instructing. As I have said before he pushes you to do your best an is not over bearing.

If you love very intense athletic style cardio then Insanity is for you

Never mind, I see someone else had the same question on another post. I saw the infomercial on tv.
I never use age as an excuse. If I were to ask myself if I was too old to do something I would miss so much. Instead I ask myself, "At what age do you sit all day in a rocker and let life pass you by"? My answer is Never.


I'm 42 ( and a half!) and I've been doing Insanity for the last month or so.. However, I am not doing it every day and following the rotation. I've done all of the workouts and have decided to do them no more than 2x/week. Mostly because I like to run 3x/week for my cardio and if I were to do more than 2 of the Insanity workouts, I feel like it would be too much impact for my legs/body.

I think the workouts are tough, but do-able. Plus, you can modify if need be. Also, I do get the "dread factor" when doing them.. you are way up there in the heart rate zone w/ these dvds.

Lynn M.
Thank you so much, all of you ladies close to 40 or over 40 who replied. Rock on and keep up the good work!
I never use age as an excuse. If I were to ask myself if I was too old to do something I would miss so much. Instead I ask myself, "At what age do you sit all day in a rocker and let life pass you by"? My answer is Never.

Rose, You are an inspiration. I'm 58 and feel the same way as you do. Love to hear it from other people, it makes it more real. Just need to purchase Insanity then I'll be on my way.

I know age is just a number but sometimes the aches last just a little longer the older you get. Here's my question, is anyone out there 40 or older and doing the insanity series? I'm very interested in purchasing these because I do have a love for high intensity cardio. Let me know how you felt after doing some of these? Thanks for any info.

I'm pushing the 47 mark and am doing it daily. I havent had any more or less joint aches than before. I agree with another poster that its actually easier on my knees than step & I only use 1 riser!

I think more than age you need to access your overall physical condition. You can absolutely modify these to lower impact if you need/want. I do that to get thru each circuit! LOL .... I am only in week 2 of actual rotation but can tell you already I am seeing improvement in my performance.

As with anything (Shock Cardio included!) You'll hit play- do what you can- determine if its going to aggravate any "condition" or issues you have and proceed accordingly. I was actually amazed that an old shoulder injury didnt rear its ugly head week 1- I'm so very happy I tried in spite of that concern!

Have fun with it! Its an incredible series- Even if I had to cut down on the daily use at some point I'd still use it like alot of others (every other day/2-3x per wek)- Its a fantastic way to exercise anyway you decide to use it. And- the added bonus is Shaun T! OMG! I thought I was over school girl crushes at this point in life!:eek:

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