Inching my way toward my goal

L Sass

Hello all. I promised to post when I'd inched closed toward my performance based goals for 2013. I've been using Cathe's 100-rep challenges to help me get there, and in particular the hip thrusts so as the strengthen the back chain muscles, which I've always been weak in.

As I aim toward a 200# LOW squat, I've gotten to 185#
As I aim toward a 275# deadlift, just today I got to 260#

Keep me accountable all. These minimal gains - like a pound per lift get old, but I know they are necessary. :(
I guess so Toni. But I sure do miss the days when I started and could go up like 5, 10, or even 20#. That felt like REAL progress. But like you said, at least it's forward and not backward.
You are SO close to your goal. I think it's wonderful. Even a half pound gain is a half pound closer.

You can do this - safely and effectively. Then we'll have a cyber party. :cool:
Oh congrats Lorrie! I'm really, really impressed. And you know, if you were able to make those 5, 10, 20 pound jumps, you probably wouldn't appreciate your gains as much. As they say, of it were easy, everybody would be doing it. Keep going!!!
Congratulations on how far you have come already - you are SO strong and have amazing goals - remember that! Keep up the hard work!
Wow! Super strong!

I agree with the other posters - you're moving forward slowly and safely! No time for an injury.

Congrats and keep us updated!
way to go! slow and steady wins the race, oh I bet thats annoying, sorry, I just am agreeing with the others. i am impressed and rooting for you.:)
Thanks y'all. I KNOW that these smaller, incremental gains are necessary as I go heavier, and sometimes it's not even extra weight as even one more rep, or one more inch. I know it all counts, but it just seems ssss----llll----oooo----wwww. And you're right, it is. My trainer always has me do a pyramid type lift, working up to a 1RM and then pulling as many reps as I can on the set or 2 after that 1RM - sort of like Cathe going to failure on the last set - or her drop off set approach in STS M2. For example, last time I deadlifted, I got up to 255, and then backed off to 225 for 5x. Yesterday, I pulled 260 and then dropped back to 225, but made it to 6x.

But remember when you were on your Cathe learning curve, and in something like PUB you bench pressed those 15# dumbbells? And then you went up to 20's? That's HUGE and it's so motivating! It's just a different approach and in my rational head, I get it. I just wish it was a little more. My goal is to hit these numbers by my 50th birthday this summer.

Yes, slow and steady. I'll hear your words and heed them. THANKS!!!!

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