Imax2 anaerobic?


Cathe and other educated folks,

Somewhere in the second half of Imax2, Cathe says "I'm right where I should be - topping off my anaerobic thresheld." or something like that. If we are in anaerobic states aren't we in a state that no longer uses fat for energy? Since I'm wanting to lose some fat, isn't that a bad thing to do?

I'm confused!x(

I'm definitely not the most educated person to answer this question, but here's an interesting link to an article about interval training.

I think the basic punchline is that when you are doing low-impact, low-intensity exercise a higher percentage of the calories you burn come from fat stores, but as you go to higher intensity levels, you burn more and more sugar, and a lower percentage of the energy comes from fat. However, the total energy expenditure is higher, so you end up burning more net fat calories than if you'd just done the low-intensity workout. Also, when your body replenishes all it's sugar stores after the workout is over, some of that energy comes from your fat stores.

Does that help any at all? The article is much better than my ramblings, but quite long.

My 2 cents:

My understanding is that IMAX 1 & 2 are for 'pushing the envelope' to increase your aerobic thershold. So, this workout is supposed to be done just once or twice a week. Yes, you are anaerobic for part of it, but that is the point. Your overall fitness will increase. As far as fat burning, I am not sure what it will do or hinder for you.

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