Imax III and heavy weight training 6 day split


Sorry for posting this again, but Runcrazy (thanks Jo) suggested I post it here too.

Another idea for Imax III:
3 hi/lo intervals
2 floor kickbox intervals
2 step kickbox intervals
3 step intervals

And I LOVE the idea of heavy, serious weight training. Another thing that might be cool is a 5 day split with a brief but intense cardio before hand. Something like:
#1: Slow and Heavy chest work and a 20-25 min intense step workout
#2: Slow and Heavy back work and a 20-25 min intense hi/lo workout
#3: Slow and Heavy delt work and a 20-25 min interval workout
#4: Slow and Heavy bis work and a 20-25 min intense kickbox workout
#5: Slow and Heavy tris work and a 20-25 min intense plyo drill workout (incorporating the med ball and lots of moves similar to Boot Camp's cardio segments)
#6: Then one workout that would be all legs or a leg/cardio circuit.

The cardios could be combined together on the premixes for those that like to do weights and cardio on different days.
I absolutely love this idea :) I generally do a CTX cardio first and then a weight workouts (I do a longer cardio if I feel fantastic). A short cardio and slow & heavy weight workout would be my dream come true (as well as the IMAX series:) ). This would probably be one of the most effective series yet.

This would be great. Also if you could "blend" the cardio with the weights to alternate them for a ciruit workout also.
Oh, man, I can hear my credit card straining at the reins for this one! I'd have to buy the entire series this time!
Something like this would be AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love, love this kind of workout.. I always see major postive changes in my physique when I follow this type of rotation.

Put me down, too!!!

Lynn M.
Great idea! More Slow and Heavy fits what I'm looking for--I have more than enough endurance workouts, and I'm not seeing any results from endurance--only heavier lifting. Intervals that aren't all step based would be perfect.
Love, love, love, love, love it!!

I adore the idea of heavy duty weight work followed by intense cardio. I am now doing a "homemade" version of this and am loving the results.
RE: Love, love, love, love, love it!!

>I adore the idea of heavy duty weight work followed by
>intense cardio. I am now doing a "homemade" version of this
>and am loving the results.

I'd also like to see a "weights, then cardio" rotation (since both CTX and the Timesavers were set up the other way). Start with a nice low intensity cardio warm-up with ROM moves (10 minutes), then a body part weight workout (or two: back and biceps; chest and triceps; shoulders and core; legs and abs)then 30 minutes of cardio.

I also like the interval idea. I recently tried the KPC/legs and glute premix and really liked the way it felt (though I'd start the weight interval segments earlier on in the workout if I had my druthers).
RE: Love, love, love, love, love it!!

Another vote for Jilly's heavy weight videos.

Just a few add ons.

Please make it a superheavy, superslow, low rep, kick butt, completely fry the body part weight workout and please find some awesome music to accompany it....nothing buttercuppy (not that I don't appreciate this as it was placed in previous vid's, but heavy work requires some serious music.

I would preorder that and IMAX III immediately - I don't care how long I have to wait!!

I second Briee's idea!

I love Jilly's idea and I love Briee's add-on suggestions. All the way, Cath -- especially the music.

Now, on what constitutes appropriate "awesome" music Briee and I may disagree, although we're in agreement that this isn't "Buttercup" work we're picturing here. :) Nothing wrong with a little "Buttercup" in its place, just not here.

My personal favorite for heavy weight work is instrumental. I loved the heavy bass & percussion stuff you used on S&H, but I also really loved the music in the whole CTX series, and there was a lot of that which would translate pretty nicely into heavy weight work (at a slower pitch, even something like the punching drills section of CK, a personal fave.)

Oh, and you just can't re-use "I Wanna Rock" too much, IMHO. :) If you're just sick of that and want to use something with a little lyric, I do think it would just have to be some kickin' rock music. How about a little Billy Idol "White Wedding," anyone? ;-) Kathy S.
RE: I second Briee's idea!

Kathy, I think we're on somewhat the same page regarding music during workouts. I will admit that when I began living a more conservative life I left the music behind (I won't sing anything but hymns in worship), but there is something about pumping iron and well....yes a pumping beat. Billy would do, maybe joan jetts "I love rock and roll" etc... Oh and Cathe, you gotta get music from Top Gun in there "Danger Zone" (Kenny Logins). That may not be the title, but I can always pump out a few more pushups when that's playing and that's the need some music that inspires strength and perseverance. If I can psyche myself up before a workout I can lift far better, with better form, and more weight...has a lot to do with my mental state. Other workouts I can zone a little, but S&H takes some serious focus and a mental stimulant (natural of course).

Now I realize that there are rights, titles, etc....but a slow and heavy workout needs some careful planning as for music.

(and darn it if annette would just send me a picture of that bicep vein to put on my wall, I know I could bench/squat at least 20#more than I currently am) }( }( }( }( }(

I'm with you Jillybean! Slow and Heavy all the way! With the cardio in there-what more could we need.

Thanks for posting this great suggestion jillybean!


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cathe should hire you as her permanent DVD designer!!!

This is an absolutely brilliant idea and I would purchase this is a split second if Cathe made it.



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