Imax 2


I just have to say that Imax 2 is so much better than Imax , I loved it! I liked it better mostly because it was so much easier on the feet! So to anyone who thinks that they can't do this tape because Imax was too hard or hurt too much, I say "try it, you will not be sorry!"
I totally agree with you that it is easier that IMAX. However, I was sort of disappointed too that it wasn't as hard as IMAX. Don't get me wrong though I still love all my Cathe tapes.
Amni, have you tried it on an 8" step? I did and it was pretty darn close to the original Imax intensity wise. A few suggestions for making Imax II tougher:
During the sumo squat interval (#8 I think) when Cathe stops sumo squatting and goes over the top of the step, just keep sumo squatting - your legs will feel it!
In interval #4 (the one where you do an off-count rock off the end of the step and then go over the top) when Cathe does a knee a off the back and then starts the off count over the tops, simply keep going over the top.
Also another tip which you probably already do is, make each blast longer by continuing the interval into the recovery phase just a bit. I like to add a power 7 to the end of some of the easier intervals.
One of the reasons why Imax was so hard was because you did the same thing over and over for about a minute and a half. You can do that with Imax II as well! I have the DVD and I usually do intervals 5 and 9 twice, then it is a VERY TOUGH workout! Also, you can make interval #1 of Imax II like interval 6 of Imax 1 - instead of doing the lunges forward and back and then off the end of the step, just do the kind that Cathe does in Imax 1 - the ones where she says, "Get your foot over the soccer ball." This fatigues me! I hope this helped!

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