I'm scared


Just got back from the doctor. We had our first utlrasound. All looked well with the baby, but the ultrasound showed that I have placenta previa. There is a piece of placenta covering the opening to my cervic. I haven't had any spotting or bleeding and the doctor seemed a little suprised at this. I go back in 8 weeks for a follow-up ultrasound. I wasn't scared till I got on the internet and started to do some research. Wish I hadn't. Good news was that 90% of cases resolve by the third trimester. Can't bear any horror stories, but would appreciate any good news. Would love to hear from anyone who had this condition and it resolved itself. I am scared. Thanks, Wr
RE: Placenta Previa

Hi WR,

Don't be scared. The internet sometimes is not the place to go when you are frightened! It is true in most cases of placenta previa that once the uterus (and baby!) start growing, the placenta migrates upward and away from your cervix. Hang in there! We're here for you.

Sheila Watkins
No horror stories-

I can't really tell you much, but my mothers pregnancy with me was placenta previa. She didn't have much spotting, and worked up until the last month (she was a secretary-if you are an aerobics instructor, or bricklayer, this may not be possible). This was 37 years ago, and they didn't keep as close a watch then as they will now, but all went fine. She had to have a C-section, which I don't think she has ever forgiven me for. You might want to plan for a C-section. I am fine, and expect your child will be fine too. As for it resolving itself, lots of them do- as the uterus grows larger, the placenta no longer covers your cervix. The nice thing is that now with ultrasound they can tell exactly where your placenta is- they kind of had to guess back when I was born.
RE: No horror stories-

Thanks for your reassuring responses. One of my coworkers had placenta previa with her son. At 71/2 months it resolved itself. I am at 24 weeks now so feel I have all kinds of time for things to correct themselves. Outside of what we saw on the ultasound I have had no symptoms. Infact, I feel very good. Just hoping for the best,and thankful for ultrasound that keeps this condition from being a guessing game. I sure appreciate everyone on this forum. It is nice to have a place like this to go to to voice ones worries and get some reassurance. Thanks again! wr
RE: No horror stories-

Hi, my daughter is adopted, and her birthmother had placenta previa. She carried my daughter to 37 weeks, and Marissa was born perfectly healthy. Although our b-mother did spot throughout the pregnancy, she managed ok. She was supposed to be on bed rest, but really wasn't. Anyway, its not uncommon, and the placenta probably will move on its own. Most outcomes are very good. My advice - stay away from those horror story web sites! Everyone is so different, and people with wonderful outcomes don't usually feel the need to tell their story in public.

Good Luck, and try not to worry, save your energy for growing a big happy baby. :)

RE: No horror stories-

Just try to anticipate being in the 90% of the cases where it does resolve itself. Both my babies showed to be placenta previa at the initial ultrasound (between 17 and 20 weeks) and the later ultrasound at 32 weeks showed that the placenta had moved up and out of the way. Both were delivered vaginally with no problems associated with the earlier previa.

By all means educate yourself and be prepared for the possiblity of a C-section, but remind yourself that the odds are in your favour for a natural resolution.

Good luck, enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

RE: No horror stories-

All these responses have been so reassuring and full of good news. Thanks for spending the time to help relieve my anxiety. All is going well and I am anticipating a good outcome to this! wr

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