<---says Happy Monday and all that crap
<---isn't really happy about it being Monday
<---sends big hugs to Maeghan
<---thinks it's nice that Judy is giving DD and friends pedicures
<---has never heard of Aladdins, but wants to go
<---wonders if Robin will bring us back any bagels
<---tells Phyllis Happy Passover
<---is also thinking about taking Thursday off
<---is very tired and burned out on work and could probably benefit from an extra-long weekend
<---is sorry to hear that Beth has snow in the forecast
<---is sorry to hear Connor is sick
<---is LOL at Wendy's DH wanting a pond so ducks would "live" there
<---feels Shannon's pain re: dog hair
<---has the same problem, but with feline-variety hair
<---loves the furry little critters anyway
<---is glad to hear Amelia is feeling better today than yesterday
<---is with Tammy on New Diet Monday
<---tells Beavs that <--- gets a 4 day work week in <---'s international corporate land
<---thinks that <---'s company is unusual though
<---agrees with Nancy about the concept of religious holidays, but also agrees with Nancy about taking any off time <--- can get
<---spent Sunday painting <---'s bedroom and is utterly exhausted
<---only got half the room painted because had to do 2 coats of primer and 1 coat of paint
<---was painting over RED, which is a pain in the butt
<---will never paint a room red ever again
<---is taking a rest day today
<---would like a nap now, please