I'm gonna think positive........

You gals are in luck since the "back-to-school" sales are in full-force (at least in our neck of the woods) ;) . Hmmm, I need to check out the paper supply here too :D - thanks for the reminder!

Just out of curiosity, what do you use the notebooks for? Is it for keeping track of your blended workouts, detailed chapter notes?

I use my laptop & a spreadsheet template to plan my rotations. I print it out & pull out the weight worksheets for each month's planned weight workouts & put them in a 3-ring binder for easy reference each month. This month I'm going to try a color-coding system to easily note if I did enough core and mobilty/recovery work (cuz sometimes I skip them or shorten them :rolleyes:).
I normally print out the first few pages of guide, (cover photo, index, equipment info)
and then I print out all the chapter pages of each workout which I then go back and
follow along with the dvds and write in title #, chapter #’s (a lot of times the chapter
#’s in the guide don’t match the actual dvd chapter #’s) and how long each chapter
is. Then I usually print the premix pages for each workout, so pretty much the whole
guide…. I don’t need the workout cards. I punch holes & put them in a notebook !
I have a huge notebook that holds all the different series info, but I had to put STS 2
in a separate one and I don’t think this one will fit either. STS 1 is a separate notebook
So when you write "notebook", you're referring to a 3-ring binder? I have different series (weight worksheets) in different binders, often combining series in one binder. I print out User Guide Rotations & some of Cathe's monthly rotations but have been putting them all together in a Rotation binder... hmmm maybe I should put them with the weight worksheets ... hmmm ...on 2nd thought, maybe not as I like rotations that combine series.
I use what is called GBC Pro Click, I get it from Amazon. It comes with special paper, a binder, and a clear front and black back cover. I print out the pages of each chaptered workout and then I put the premix options right after each workout instead of after all of them like Cathe usually has them chaptered already, so I print slightly out of order. I use sticky tabs that stick out of the side of the paper so I know what work out sheet starts where and I don't have to look through the entire binder. I will try and post a pic later to show what I'm trying to describe.
Yeah, a three ring binder or what I call a notebook….but I guess it really is a binder! :)
Oh I'm guilty of calling a binder a notebook, too.
In fact, I read your post and thought you were referring to a 3 ring binder, lol!!

I put my sheets for workouts I have pulled in a clipboard. It's an OLD metal and particle board that you would have seen in a factory in the 50's. Not a thing of beauty, but boy is she sturdy. Holds gobs of pages so I can easily change my mind. I gave up on the newer plastic versions which snapped trying to work with me!! :cool:
Oh I'm guilty of calling a binder a notebook, too.
In fact, I read your post and thought you were referring to a 3 ring binder, lol!!

I put my sheets for workouts I have pulled in a clipboard. It's an OLD metal and particle board that you would have seen in a factory in the 50's. Not a thing of beauty, but boy is she sturdy. Holds gobs of pages so I can easily change my mind. I gave up on the newer plastic versions which snapped trying to work with me!! :cool:
I love those old-style clipboards - they're probably on sale now too. Putting 'em on my shopping list too ... it's like your favorite pens ... gotta have 'em spread all over the house cuz you can't find one when you need one. Haha :D
I looked up those GBC Pro Click systems on Amazon... those are n.i c.e!! :)

While at the grocery store, I picked out a $2.29 binder in a lovely lavender color & picked up a 0.99 cent clipboard. And I got some new markers - yea! Paper will have to wait till I get to Walmart - they have it in cases.

The binder is patiently (or not) waiting to be filled with Lift Move & Restore stuff. I never thought about printing out the cover page from the User Guide - I'm going to take a look at the older series ... maybe they can be colored if I print in B&W - a relaxing way to spend a little time. I might spiffy up my binders for both STS series & Xtrain while I'm at this diversion.
I am way too cheap to print out full pages of the guide . I copy and paste the chapters from the workout manager, making simplified workout sheets. those and my again simplified rotation pages go on a clipboard not much different than Lady Vol Fan describes. So I also am using the chaptering, and appreciate the work that goes into these DVD, although I purchased the downloads. Cathe is top notch, so well thought out, and carefully put together. I always admire the work she puts into the workouts, and I know it increases my enjoyment of and commitment to the workouts.
Everyone has good ideas! I usually print out the work out guides and put in a 3-ring binder. I print out the cover sheet and put in the clear plastic flap on the front of the binder. For other DVDs with no guides, I just print out the workout sheets and put on a clip board to record my wieghts and reps. I'm going to check out the GBC Pro Click system!
Thanks for all the ideas!!

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