I'm doing it again!!!!


Hi everybody!! Today starts my contest preparation another bodybuilding show!!I am soooooo excited:7 !! It is 15 weeks out from today and it will be in Westerville Ohio. I'd like to journal my experience here on the forums if ou all don't mind. I'll be training with Cathe's video again, though not quite sure which rotation will go where. I'l leaning towards starting with PS and Pyramid You know like PS on Mon, Tues, Wed and Pyramid on Fri and Sat. We'll see. I've got to work that out today. I'll let you all know.
Wish me luck:D !

Aimee (aka competition bound)
I will gladly sit in the bleeahers (is that how you spell it?) and cheer you on. The only time I'd put myself through that is if Cathe called me and told me I was going to be in her next videos. THEN I would do some heavy duty training, and by that I mean REALLY cutting out the F/F Cool Whip and stuff, and even tweaking my cheat day.

Hey, go for it! Keep us posted.
OH MY GOD!!!! Aimee, this is so exciting! I can't wait to hear how you do. As you post what tapes you are doing, I'm going to do the same thing the very next day & see what results I get. I would love it if you would post your diet, too (if you have time, that is).

I don't think I'll ever compete, but I would love to have a competitors body. A very long time ago, I was told I had the type of body that would respond quite well to this type of training. I want to see if I still do.

Also, one final question, what is the competition you are going to do. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say, I'd like to check it out.


How exciting!!!!! I would love to hear about your experiences!! I know I'll never compete, but I would find it very motivating to hear what you do for training, and about your eating habits. Way to go!!!

HB and Deborah,
Man, I'd love to have all of you sitting in the bleachers cheering me on!! What an honor that would be! Yeah, I'm going to miss cheating and fat free foods:-( . That's ok, after the contest I have a pizza party planned}( !
Sure, I'll post the videos and diet. In fact, this is what my first 5 weeks will look like, starting Mon. It will be 3 on 1 off. I'm starting with S&H, however, I will double time verything. So instead of 8 reps to a set, I'll be doing 12-16(I counting on the fatigue factor, which is why I said 12-16)So like Mon, Tues, and Wed it will be Chest and Back, Bi's and Tri's, Legs and shoulders. Then Thurs will be a rest day. After that Fri, Sat, Sun will be PS. That will be BBA, CST, and SLA. Then another rest day, then I start back on S&H and so on and so on.....
For cardio I will it only once a day right now. Running for much of it weather permitting. When it doesn't I plan to incorporate IMAX2, PowerMax, Stepfit, and BodyMax(cardio only) or MIC.
Ok, the diet here is the diet I've been given to follow for now.
Meal1- 3egg whites and 1 whole egg, 1/3 cup old fashioned oats, and 3 oz chicken
Meal2- protein shake made with water
Meal 3- 5oz chicken, 4oz yam, and 1cup broccoli or salad
Meal 4- same as 1
Meal 5 oz lean meat, 2 cups of green veggie
Ok, that's it. I hope I remembered everything:) . I'll keep you all posted!! Thanks!!
Wow, Aimee!
How very exciting!
Any way you can post photos?
I just love this month's Muscle & Fitnes Hers with the competition photographs, they are SO inspiring!
Thanks for sharing with us!
Aimee, only three questions--how much cardio will you do? 30 minutes, 40? An hour?

Also, when you say double up the sets, you mean like rewind & do it again? If I'm working biceps, do the 8, then rewind & do 8 more? I hope that's what you mean--I'm off to get started.

Finally, the same diet everyday? Your poor thing. I'm joining you so when you get bored with it, I'll be right here telling you how good it is!!!

I'm going to try to keep pace with you...I want to see what happens to my body! And if I get a job that pays me enough, I'll save so I can join HoneyBunch in the bleachers!!! You have really inspired me!!!
I am really excited for you Aimee. I would love to follow your journey, it will be interested. I remember following your post on your first competition.

Good Luck

Amiee" I have always wanted that bodybuilders body but not to do the competetion.

I'd love to have you post daily how this is all going.

My questions are these: You have posted rotations that included daily youga. Will you do that this time? If or when you did yoga daily was it a video? Which one? How much time did you put in on the daily yoga?
Hi Deb,
It will depend on the day and what I'm doing. Like on leg day, I'll only do 30 min for right now, closer to comp time that'll get upped. Otherwise, I'll do 40min or so.
No no, not rewind and do again (I'm not insane;-) ) I'm mean double time the count. So like in S&H when she goes down for eight, I'll go down for 4. I'll be doing two reps to her every one. But what you say will work also. Good thinking:) !
Really?!?!? You'll do the diet with me? Cool!! I'm gonna need someone who can understand those darn cravings I'll be getting:-( ! Can I email you?
I'd love seeing you all if you all do get to come!! What fun!
Thanks for your support!!!

You know what? I don't remember posting a rotation with yoga everyday. Although as you know, I do try to do it everyday. I usually go for 20-40 min a night. Usually I'm right at the 30 min mark. I follow videos alot and like to do them better than on my own, I just can't get into it as well when I'm doing it by myself.
My favorite videos are Crunch Joy of Yoga, Ali Macgraw's yoga mind and body, Yoga Zone (all), and I've been taping Inhale off of Oxygen in the mornings. GREAT MUSIC!!!!!
Ok I hope I helped ya':)

hi aimee, i have been following the forum and reading about you so much good luck with your training and the competition. i will follow along with every one else on your progress and TRY to copy your work outs!! best of luck.
Good luck, Aimee. I too will be following your posts and cheering you on.

One question...why did you decide to double the reps with S&H? Is it for bulking reasons?? Do you not want to bulk? Or, do you build muscle better with more reps???? You want more sculpting? Just curious (nosey :p )
Thanks Aimee: Maybe I'm dreaming you posted a rotation with Yoga every day! HA HA.

Seems like it was where you were explaining to someone why you did three workouts a day weights, running, and yoga. I probably took it from that you did yoga daily.

Good luck Aimee! I will be cheering you on from down here in Georgia.

I'm gonna go on the diet with you too. (The pizza part of the diet after the competition that is). ha

Wishing you the best!!!

No, no, that's true:7 ! I do do that! Well, I don't run in the winter very much, too cold and slippery. But I have said that like in checkin and things like. Maybe that's where.......?
Ahhh..... the sign of old age, I can't remember;-) .

Thanks guys!! Robin, I'm doing it because going slow so forces me to lower my weight. I know that a good thing, but they say the best rep range for growth is 8-12 reps and I've found 12 to be a great number for me:D .

You've got another cheering you on here:7 Keep us updated and let us know how the contest goes with pics and all that again!


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