I'm a little freaked out!!

I find this whole thread rather odd, because it's very likely that the person who printed out the thread is reading this right now.

How is s/he going to feel about being talked about here like this?

And if s/he didn't know you were a Cathe poster before, it's likely that s/he does now!
agree with a lot of you. Now you will have to say something to the woman you think does Cathe and is probably reading this!

Yes most cos do monitor internet use. They generally don't do anything with it but they have it if they need it.

I was at a company where they actually talked to 2 people who were dating about using work time. They did not have "steamy" emails.

If you recall when you are hired you usually sign something that discusses computer use

I'm with you. I am always leery of putting too much personal information. My last company couldn't capture IM info. That's good because IM is such a venting tool.
How old are they now?? They look bigger when they're sleeping on your DH (?). SUPER CUTE.

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