I'm a little freaked out!!


Okay, so I went into the office this week, ran something off the printer, stepped over to the printer area to pick it up, and what do my eyes see... a printed CATHE THREAD! From the Open Discussion area. Controversial. I won't mention WHICH one since the interloper may be reading this post right now!

Ok, seriously, so someone else in my office is a Cathe fan and may be a regular poster. Or it may be that someone KNOWS I read and write here and is checking me out. Or it may be that someone is a lurker interested in reading what we have to say. In print.

Yikes! I will need to be more careful.

And I was so ready to put up a new Picturetrail! ;(

A bit bummed,
The poster formerly known as Marie, perhaps I should call myself "Secret Fitness Girl who never visits such places on company time or utilizing company resources" :)
Wow! If that was me, I'd be running all over trying to find out who printed it! How strange. Do you work in a large office?
Are you sure you didn't accidently hit "print screen" on your computer. Sometimes it is a button that isn't clearly for that?

Does your company have a banner between prints?

That is kinda freaky! Have you ever put 2 and 2 together when people there is a big "where are you from" post?

I'd be a bit freaked too. No - alot freaked. I'm always looking over my shoulder anyway. I'm not supposed to be here....
Be careful! Office mates can be really devious. Believe me, I know..........when one thought I was spending too much time on the internet (all my coworkers were too, by the way) she informed HR via a anonymous letter and get the whole rest of the department in on it. I had a massive review of all my stuff.......email, internet. And demoted. It was horrible. Most of us were able to put the whole incident past us, of course I never trusted anyone again. AND, it infected our department so badly that it was never the same. Most of them regretted what they did.

People will backstab you even if they are doing exactly what you are doing, so be careful. People can harbor jealousy that gets to a fatal level and then they have to do something. Make sure this is NOT the case with your officemates. Mine were people I would have considered some of my closest friends..........until that day.;( Talk about betrayal!!x(

Good Luck investigating!! AND if people can see your computer........STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!!
I work for a very large company and my particular division is fairly big. We do not use banners as headers on that particular printer, but judging by the other stuff that was there, I have a suspicion who the person might be... she looks to be in very good shape, so that would make sense.

I have never made the connection on any "where are you from" threads, but that doesn't mean anything!

I don't think it's vindictive or anything of that nature, but I suppose one can never be too careful.

Yikes. What a bummer.

Secret Girl
Hi Red,

Whenver you work for any company (even a small family owned) and you use their computers, EVERYTHING is proprietary. They not only have the right to audit every move you make...they usually do on a regular basis.

This is a painful reality and I am sorry for your experience..truly. Cathe Forum seems hardly an offensive site, but any employer wants to be paying for work time only.

You're not still surfing the forum from there...are you?

Thanks for sharing because I am sure there is more than one person who will get a "heads up" from your story.

>Hi Red,
>Whenver you work for any company (even a small family owned)
>and you use their computers, EVERYTHING is proprietary. They
>not only have the right to audit every move you make...they
>usually do on a regular basis.
>This is a painful reality and I am sorry for your
>experience..truly. Cathe Forum seems hardly an offensive site,
>but any employer wants to be paying for work time only.
>You're not still surfing the forum from there...are you?
>Thanks for sharing because I am sure there is more than one
>person who will get a "heads up" from your story.

I agree;)

Why couldn't she simply be a Cathe fan who was interested in the thread and wanted to show it to someone?

I surf the web, post to this forum (and others) at work, and my boss knows it. He also knows I always do my work, and I am always either on the ball or ahead of it.

I think you have a choice. You can either wonder and worry about this or you can go to the person who you think printed it, and say, "Hey, do you do Cathe videos?" If she says, "Yeah, why?" Just tell her you found a post on the printer and was really curious who else is a Cathe fan.

There are exceptions, like Janice pointed out, but I think for the most part, people are pretty good. And if she's up to no good by confronting her, you'll let her know that you know she is up to no good.

Who knows - maybe you'll even get an exercise buddy out of it.
This is precisely the reason I only surf the web during my lunchtime and after work (if I choose to stay and look something up).

I work in the IT department of our medium sized company of about 500 employees. We have monitoring software in place that monitors ALL internet activity by employee id & IP address (we are prompted for a user id/password to connect to the proxy server which connects us to our ISP). Managers DO review these logs when they suspect an employee is abusing their internet privileges. I doubt that many employees even know this software is in place even though it is clearly stated on the Internet Acceptable Use Policy each new employee is required to sign before being granted access to the internet.

Hopefully it's nothing but a coincidence. Just be careful what you say about work! :D

I've had REALLY bad experiences, though, at certain jobs where people WERE tracking stuff down (even attempting to break into my e-mails and bank accounts just to try to find anything to get you fired). They would go through histories, temporary files, and any file they could, and we weren't allowed to password protect our computers. For instance, one girl would come into me with math questions from school so that she could call the boss and tell him I was doing homework at work. But it came back to bite her in the butt, because as a teacher, he then asked me to help him tutor his students via e-mail during working hours :D.

Anyway, you never know. I would like to think you can trust people, but , honestly, I've had too many bad experiences to say so.

I'd just be careful from now on. My gut instinct, though, is that it's just another member :).


That is freaky. Some people that I know (none do Cathe) know that I post on these forums. I have not done much to hide my identity and in my more paranoid moments, I wonder if they come here to see what I am posting about.

I don't have to worry about job stuff since I am a homeschool mom, but at times I post on family matters and that could get wierd if say my SIL came over to check up on me. I try to be careful;-)

Keep us posted.


Thanks so much for your posts and support. I do not think this is any kind of monitoring situation (we are aligned with I/T so I am pretty familiar with that); I just think someone else in this office is a Cathe fan. I was a bit weirded out to think they were reading anything I posted! (How self-centered, yes??) I will just be more careful in future, I guess!


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