<--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious...


<--weatherman says we are expecting ANOTHER snowstorm!
<--will be over the weekend (starting late tonight into tomorrow morning) x( x( x(
<--wants it to be during the week (snow day!)
<--is so superduperuberglad it's fried-day
<--will be going to dinner and to see "27 dresses" tonight
<--hopes the "storm" won't ruin <--'s plans
<--all youse northerners would laugh to see how the WHOLE city shuts down, the news coverage is constant, and all the water and bread are gone from the market
<--wonders what one would do with all that water and bread?
<--would rather stock up on PB M&Ms
<--needs robin to stomp foot very loudly so FN, carola, tammy, doodles, and any other mia oalers can hear
<--- says good morning to Lorie and all who follow
<--- loves the song choice - has been singing it recently with DD who got the DVD for Christmas
<--- hopes Lorie enjoys the snow
<--- isn't too busy at work today so has decided to give self the afternoon off! going to work through the morning, do a GS combo and then finish early and have a couple of hours before DD comes home ... what luxury!
<--- read last night's stuff and joins in the cheers for Shannon's good news! :7
<--- may bbl
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<---waves a Happy Fried-day to all
<---tells Lorie <--can't stomp today - the knee is really acting up for some reason
<---is glad Ronne will get some "me" time this afternoon
<---high fives Shannon on her full recovery
<---tells Liann we got a couple inches of snow, but <--didn't have to go anywhere in it
<---imagines the roads are OK this morning
<---hadn't heard a forecast and couldn't figure out why the grocery store was so busy yesterday, but everyone had little carts with hardly any groceries
<---hopes Shelley's fluids drain properly
<---turned into a grumpyeatanythingthatwasn'tmovingmachine yesterday and laid low for the rest of the day
<---missed Ame and hopes the studying is going well
<---asks if Nancy was around?
<---has to go catch up elsewhere, but hopes to be a more human human today, and be here more
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--is glad ronne is taking some ronne time
<--is sorry robin's knee hurts
<--also joins robin in crappy eating
<--eats so well and so clean during the day then comes home and all turns to crap
<--ate sunfllower seeds, chips with spinach dip, and way too many PB M&Ms last night for "dinner"
<--knows <--shouldn't keep the stuff in the house but HATES feeling deprived (or maybe <--is just depraved}( )
<--thanks phyllis for the email and tells her that, yes, the last photo is priceless
<--wonders if <--can figure out how to post it here
<--may just send it to computer-super-genius-emily and ask her to do it?
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--Is LMAO at Lori,as she perfectly described the southern panic of a predicted snowstorm
<--and DH was just laughing about it last night,how everyone RUSHES out to buy milk,bread and eggs!
<--'s DD school was CLOSED yesterday and there wasn't even ice on the roads or much snow for that mattter!
<--Waves at everybody above and below
<--is suffering from TTOTM
<--will be doing(attempting)Drill max cardio today
<--wants everybody to wish her luck;-)
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--- waves to Lorie, Robin and Ronne
<--- is at home again today because <--- is feeling worse than yesterday
<--- wonders what was up yesterday, because <--- got way too friendly with the Triscuit Thin Crisps last night
<--- remembers she has PMS
<--- thinks Ronne's day sounds lovely
<--- is sending anti-acting up vibes to Robin's knee
<--- wonders what constitutes a "storm" in GA?
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--waves to Lorie, Shelly, Robin, Amelia, Ronne
<--hopes the snow doesn't ruin Lorie's evening plans
<--is happy for Ronne's early afternoon off
<--hopes Robin has a better day today
<--sending Ms Amelia anti-pms-vibes
<--sends Shelly fluid draining vibes
<--hopes Liann is better today
<--was glad to read Shannon's news
<--is getting a hair cut today
<--is anxiously awaiting squat rack delivery!!
<--hopes everyone has a great day!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<---waves good morning
<---tells Lorie to send some of that snow <---way
<---would like to ride the snowmobile at least once this year
<---wonders if Shelley has visited the doctor
<---will continue to send healing vibes her way
<---wishes Amelia luck with Drill Max';-)')
<---needs to read yesterday's thread to find out what Shannon's good news is
<---waves to Robin and Ronne
<---has to go to DS's Simple Machine Fair at school today
<---DS is using kitchen tongs for his machine
<---says he was so excited because the majority of the other kids brought in can openers but no one else had tongs
<---wishes everyone a Happy Friday

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png

ETA<--waves wildly to Catherine
<---wonders what squat rack she ordered
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--waves to Beth and hopes she has fun at the SMF
<--agrees with Lorie about the MIA OALers!!
<--hopes they are all ok
<--one of the teeth that <--had worked on last week is sensitive
<--will endure it cause Mr Dentist said ROOT CANAL
<--said NO Thank You!!
<--tells Beth ordered this one that has a bench:http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5280822

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--shows all the picture that Lori loves!


Phyllis http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png


RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--waves "Happy Fried-day" to all
<--would be so happy to take Lorie's snow storm so <--could have it here!!
<--hope the storm does Not ruin Lorie's plans tonight
<--wishes Ronne a very luxurious afternoon
<--sympathizes with Robin's grumpyeatanythingthatwasn'tmovingmachine day yesterday
<--has had days like that
<--is sorry Robin's knee is talking
<--laughs at the Vick Pic
<--wonders why Vic is not in the shirt?
<--wishing Amelia good luck with Drillmax
<--has sometimes had kick butt workouts during TTOTM..not sure why?
<--sending strong healing vibes to Shelley
<--thinks it is great Catherine will be getting squat rack today!!
<--tells Catherine <--has had 3 root canals
<--says it was years ago but they were not a very painful procedure, even in the dark ages...:)
<--hopes Beth and her DS have fun at the Fair today
<--has short work day!
<--has a couple of hours alone til DH comes home...:)
<--hopes everyone has an awesome fried-day
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--stops in to say hello during a rare moment of peace
<--thanks you for being interested in how <-- is doing
<--says <-- is really fine, just a lot of small stuff
<--says <--'s workload is currently through the roof
<--is spending so much time meeting with clients and having conference calls that <-- has a lot less desk time to get REAL work done
<--has continued to feel run-down and fight off cold symptoms
<--has also been having rough monthly cycles
<--went to a new gyn who seemed a little concerned, just enough to worry this hypochondriac, though nothing life-threatening
<--says DT is sick in bed with a low grade fever :(
<--says, on a happy note, <-- has a 3-day weekend during which she hopes to catch up with the desk work, and thereby ease a lot of the stress! :D
<--thanks Martin Luther King and thinks his weekend is just what the doctor ordered! :D
<--does not understand why Catherine would rather be in pain than have a little ol' root canal
<--says if you go for the gas, root canals can be a rockin' good time ;)
<--loves Phyllis' pic! :7
<--will have to check on Shannon's good news
<--apologizes for the novel!

ETA:<--agrees with Carole that Vick should be in the shirt }(
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<---waves good morning to everyone!
<---is absolutely thrilled that Friday is finally here!
<---wishes the end of it would hurry up and get here, though :p
<---did Absolute Kickboxing last night and whacked <---'s knee with the body bar
<---says the damage is minor, and the workout was fun!
<---thanks everyone for the congrats, etc., about the healed calf
<---plans to get serious (carefully) about doing REAL step workouts now - finally!
<---LOL at Lorie's description of a southern snow storm
<---says the exact same thing happens in Arkansas... or it used to...
<---never gets snow anymore ;(
<---is glad Ronne is giving herself the afternoon off
<---will stomp for Robin and insist that all the MIA'ers please come back!
<---thinks Robin needs to stay home and rest that knee, and forget about work today
<---doesn't need to be grumpy to have an eateverythingthatwasn'tmoving day :7
<---asks Amelia, does your DD's school have "snow days" built in to the school year? Some of ours do, so maybe that's why they closed, just because they could!
<---thinks Shelley's PMS treated her well, if she only ate Triscuits
<---would have eaten PB, Hershey's bars, cookies, scones, etc. :9
<---hopes Catherine's squat rack arrives soon!
<---is sure Beth's DS will get a first place at the simple machine fair!
<---loves Phyllis' picture!
<---LOL at Carole, wondering why Vic isn't in the shirt
<---Wishes everyone a great Friday
<---Is SO glad it is Friday! :)
<---Sorry that Lorie isn't getting her snow day
<---Says we are in for another storm Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
<---Admits she is excited...LOVES the snow
<---Also tells Lorie to have fun at the movies!
<---Tells Ronne that we think alike...thinking <---will take afternoon off too!:)
<---Wants to walk doggies and workout today
<---Sorry to hear Robin's knee is talking to her today
<---Is glad that Robin is feeling more human today! :)
<---Wishes Amelia good luck on the workout and a great Friday to her
<---Is sorry to hear Shelley is still under the weather
<---Wishes she could take care of Shelley and get her better
<---Is happy for Catherine's delivery today...how exciting!
<---Is very jealous! :)
<---Waves to Beth and hope she has a blast at the fair with DS
<---Wishes Phyllis a good day and enjoyed the picture too :)
<---Hopes Carole has a super duper day!
<---Agrees with Shannon...is with you! Hope this work day zooms!
<---Waves to Nancy and missed her terribly
<---Hopes she gets a chance to relax this weekend
<---Better scoot...teapot is boiling over!
RE: <--If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound p...

<--comes into thread with wicked belly ache this morning. Ugh.
<--Has no idea why.
<--Loves Lorie's lyric this morning!
<--Has the Harry Connick Jr. version of that song, and the kiddos love it.
<--Loves Harry. (daydream)
<--OK I'm back
<--Is super glad to see Nancy!
<--Is sorry she's feeling bad
<--Hopes the weekend rejuvenates her
<--Also is super glad it's a 3-day weekend
<--says Oliver asked the other day why he was out of school on Monday, and <--tried to explain the civil rights movement briefly enough to hold his attention but convey its importance
<--Says it must have sunk in because when a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. came on the TV yesterday, he said, "Mommy, that's Martin Luther King. Monday is his birthday."
<--Loves it when they listen
<--Is sorry Shannon had a workout-related injury
<--Has had many near misses with the step lately
<--Is clumsy, though
<--Agrees with Lorie's assessment of how the south deals with snow
<--is expecting some "flurries" tonight
<--Says in the south that either means nothing or 2 inches
<--Hopes Carole enjoys her short work week
<--LOL at Phyllis' picture
<--Waves at Catherine and shudders at thought of root canal.
<--Thinks if the just renamed the procedure it would be much better
<--Waves to Beth
<--Hopes she enjoys the simple machine fair
<--Waves to Shelley and sends her hugs
<--Wonders why she won't listen to Dr. Evily and the rest of us when we say GET WELL!!!!
<--Wants her to get well so she can go shoe shopping and show us her finds.
<--Waves at Amelia
<--Is jealous that she got a snow day yesterday!!
<--Waves at Robin
<--Thinks <--may have offended dear aunt terribly
<--Had one too many political emails sent my way this a.m. and <--let her know EXACTLY where I stand on the issues
<--Bets she's still in front of her computer with her jaw dropped.
<--Hated to do it but wanted to nip the annoying emails in the bud.
<--Speaking of annoying... sorry to have posted another novel
<--knows others have been posting at the same time as <--so <--waves to those below!!!
<---is super busy this morning, but had to run in and wave to Nancy!
<---has missed her
<---will be away from her desk most of the day putting together all of the presentation material she printed out last night
<---thinks she will be getting lots of paper cuts :(
<---says the roads are pretty clear today and that although everything is still covered in snow, the rain did make it go down quite a bit - looks like a post card though with all the snow on the trees
<---remembers how a dusting of snow could shut down the entire city of Greenville, SC when she was living there ;)
<---asks Lorie to let her know how the "dress" movie is
<---wants to see that and the "Accidental Husband"
<---doesn't think that one is out yet, but LOVES Colin Firth, so must see it
<---is sorry that Shelley is feeling worse :(
<---wonders if her doctor prescribed her anything?
<---says that hers is putting her on antibiotics because she has been sick so long - doesn't think he has a clue what she has though
<---sends good haircut vibes to Catherine and hopes she gets her leg press soon
<---tried to talk DH into one and he said NO WAY
<---doesn't want anymore gym stuff in the family room :(
<---waves hi to Beth and hopes she has fun at the SMF
<---LOVES the dog picture!!!
<---tells Carole to enjoy her alone time
<---will have a little alone time tonight too and plans some pampering for herself!
<---is glad that Shannon's knee whack was minor
<---waves Hi to Melissa and all who follow :)

<---jumps back in to wave hi to Steph!
<---hates all political e-mails
<---really hates all those e-mails that are supposedly from some famous person going off on some political tirade
<---says that people have repeatedly proven they were not written by the person - Robin Williams is an example - but everyone still keeps forwarding them!!!
<---just deletes all of them
<---waves Happy FRIDAY to all :D
<---loves today's song
<---hopes Lorie doesn't get buried in a snowstorm
<---is expecting COLD weather this weekend... tomorrow's high will be 8
<---thinks it might as well be 0
<---is happy (and a bit jealous) that Ronne is able to take the afternoon off
<---is sorry Robin's knee is not being supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
<---agrees with Lorie re: feeling deprived
<---HATES it!
<---won't tell you all about the Eat 'n Park smiley cookies <--- ate last night :9
<---wasn't feeling deprived then!
<---is feeling fat now, though :p
<---wishes Amelia luck with Drill Max (that's a fun one!)
<---is sorry to hear Shelley is even worse today :(
<---'s anti-sick vibes are obviously not working
<---thinks maybe Shelley's germs need reverse psychology, so <--- is sending SUPER SICK vibes now
<---can feel Catherine's excitement over her squat rack! :D
<---is anxiously awaiting an delivery today too... but it has nothing to do with fitness equipment
<---is awaiting the delivery of a super cool scrapbook supplies organizing thingie
<---is a total NERD :p
<---is very proud of Beth's DS for having a unique idea for the Simple Machine Fair :)
<---is LOL at the Vick shirt pic
<---is also LOL at Carole asking why Vick is not IN the shirt ;)
<---thinks Carole has the right idea
<---has no dental advice for Catherine, as <--- has never had any major dental work (besides braces, if that counts)
<---has heard, though, that root canals are not nearly as bad as they sound
<---is still askeered of them
<---is still super happy for Shannon and her workouts :D
<---is happy to see Nancy here!
<---has missed her
<---is sorry she's not been feeling too well
<---is glad that she gets a 3-day weekend (<--- gets a 3-day weekend too!)
<---is off to browse the forums and, maybe, do some work :p

<---thinks a bunch of us posted at the same time!
<---is sorry to hear about Stephanie's belly ache
<---says "Quit yer bellyachin'!" :p
<---bets that didn't help
<---is glad she stood her ground with the AA (annoying aunt)
<---bets the ol' aunt can dish it out but can't take it
<---says "Tough!"
<---tells Melissa to definitely take the afternoon off :)
<---waves to Liann
<---is sorry she won't be around to play with us today :(
<---sends anti-paper-cut vibes!
<---waves to Steph!
<---Thinks Oliver's story was adorable!
<---Also is annoyed when others push their views on politics, religion and the like on me
<---Thinks that stuff is very personal

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