icklemoley - information for you


Hi Wayne,
I tried to email you but it came back 'undeliverable'.

A while ago I suggested to you a radical approach to your problem I didn't know if there was a connection, but I thought you could look into excess yeast in your body (or something like that) Anyway on a completely different topic (quitting sugar) the subject came up (candida) I'm still not sure if this will help you, but I thought you might want to talk with dlp252 (Donna). She said it was all right to pass her name on to you.

Take care,
Thanks Sweetheart for bumping this topic, actually i didn't see it. I have done a search in google and i can't see much related to this and peeing to much. Only on pain when peeing, which i don't have.I have noticed that cottage cheese (dairy) give me really bad exzema so i've stopped that. And i'm starting (slowly due to i'll get headaches BAD if i do it too quickly) cleaning up my diet. Looking into Palo nutrition. Hunter-Gather kind of eating, see if this helps. I have been for a diabetes test, and i'm on the very high end of normal (???) i ate my lunch around 3 hours before the best, and it was a buger, so not a real high sugar meal. Plus i keep getting pins and needles in my toes, so thats why i thought diabetes. I am back on the anitbiotics (10 days) just to put my mind at ease that it isn't an infection that hasn't gone away (though not a UTI as i've been tested 3 times) and see what happens. If nothing, then i guess it really is stress incontinence and i'll have to deal with it :( I have also noticed that i can pee and even an hour later (getting graphic now!!! turn away ladies!!!) i can shake it(!!!) and pee will come out. That isn't good and maybe i really need to think stress incontinence...:( Thank you for bumping this topic, it means alot.

Hey Star

Awwwwwwww bless you. That is such a nice thing to say. I thank you very much for your concern. It means alot. I will give these anitbiotics ago, then perhaps time to think ... yep ... incontience (ie - needing to pee alot).

Thanks again Star, you are a real Sweetheart.


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