ICE not in synch on WB

aqua girl

The Ice workouts in the blender are a little off with the video & audio synching. I just finished a workout
and the audio is running a couple seconds behind the video, if that makes sense. In other words, if you
follow Cathe's words, the actual exercise changes or ends before the instructions. I noticed this earlier
when I was on my main computer but figured it was my computer but I did the workout on my ipad mini
and chromebook and it still happens, in all workouts I took chapters from. It's not much, but enough to
be distracting. Maybe a minor adjustment would solve the problem. I run everything on Low Quality.
Thanks. It was a fun workout, even though it was off a little.

Edited: I just blended a workout with all the Muscle Meltdowns and the video/audio seems ok
on those, it might be a micro-second off but if it is, it isn't enough to hardly notice, so I would
say it's on the main workouts. I think I noticed it in a Icy Core too, but I don't remember.
Thought maybe this would help. Thanks.
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The Ice workouts in the blender are a little off with the video & audio synching. I just finished a workout
and the audio is running a couple seconds behind the video, if that makes sense. In other words, if you
follow Cathe's words, the actual exercise changes or ends before the instructions. I noticed this earlier
when I was on my main computer but figured it was my computer but I did the workout on my ipad mini
and chromebook and it still happens, in all workouts I took chapters from. It's not much, but enough to
be distracting. Maybe a minor adjustment would solve the problem. I run everything on Low Quality.
Thanks. It was a fun workout, even though it was off a little.
I checked and i'm not seeing any issues. You might want to try rebooting your router, clearing your browser's cache and or rebooting your computer.
I noticed it on Chiseled legs but only the first few chapters, after that, everything seemed fine. I thought it was just me, but I cleared my browsers and restarted my computer and same thing.
Edited: I just blended a workout with all the Muscle Meltdowns and the video/audio seems ok
on those, it might be a micro-second off but if it is, it isn't enough to hardly notice, so I would
say it's on the main workouts. I think I noticed it in a Icy Core too, but I don't remember.
Thought maybe this would help. Thanks.

Great minds think a like. I did that too. I'm also doing one with just the blizzard blasts. I'm just trying to figure out which one has the best warm up and cool down for this.
The blender and OnDemand use the exact same player and video file. I just checked Chiseled Lower Body on the WB and audio sync was fine. If you can tell me exactly which Chiseled Lower Body chapter you're looking at I'll check to make sure.
All my other workout blender workouts play fine & it's only the new ones I created..

Oh, and on one I blended this AM where I used some ICE chapters with RWH chapters, the ICE chapters synch
Were off and theRWH ones were not. Trying to help figure it out . :)
We have not been able to duplicate this. We need to know exactly what video file and chapters you're referring to in order to help you. The problem you have described sounds more like a cache issue than a problem with the file. The problem you're having with the ICE videos can be caused by a browser cache issue. But until we can test the exact file and chapter you're referring to we can't say for sure or offer any solutions.
Well, it's just about all of them, except muscle meltdowns......I can import one of them into the shared workouts
If that will help. But nothing else in the blender does's like when each chapter I have chosen starts, the
Video starts first and the audio starts a second or two later and continues off like that until the next chapter starts.
Other workouts do not do this....and muscle meltdowns do not appear to do it. Give me a few min. And I'll
Import one, probably be ICE Boot Camp Mix. Thanks.
OK, I imported 2, ICE Boot camp Circuit on which all the chapters start with video first and audio maybe 2 sec later. The other one I
imported is ICE Metabolic Mix which I used ICE and RWH chapters. The ICE chapters are off but the RWH chapters are fine. If it was on
my end, why would all other videos' chapters be OK and just these off? Thanks for any thing you can do.
YES, oh thank heavens !!!!!! It's putting the individual chapters to make up a workout., I tried one of the videos in On Demand
and it started fine and was playing fine, that's why I didn't think it was on my end, as any other blender workouts I have play fine.
Thank goodness you see it. Thanks, thanks, thanks, I was beginning to think I was going crazy (or at least crazier than I already am)
Do you have to put the chapters in to make a workout? and ditto, using the chapters the sound is out of sync.

I guess you can't drop the whole work out in there?
Here's what I was trying to do, make the Rock'm Sock'm Basic Premix #6, which, is out of sync when I play it in the blender. I can do this on the Roku though by flipping to the next part, until you have something.
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To make and mix a workout you have to use the chapters as they're individual videos. The full length videos are just one video and can not be broken up. We will find out what the problem is and get it fixed shortly.
To make and mix a workout you have to use the chapters as they're individual videos. The full length videos are just one video and can not be broken up. We will find out what the problem is and get it fixed shortly.

Oh, thanks so least you see the problem ....there is so much great material in these to use in the
Blender...making new workouts and putting new material in "old" workouts, but the synch problem really
Is distracting, on the count,etc. thanks again, I'll check tomorrow on the progress.....
Thanks, please post in this thread when it's ready to try with the ICE workouts again. I've got all kind of "mixes" going on in my head !
Thanks again for all your hard work.....:) BTW, the chaptering in these is always.....

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